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Amari was waken up to the sound of her phone ringing . In a confused Moment she answered the phone .

" you gotta come to the hospital he was shot ." Ky said frantically into the phone .

Amari hurried out of bed and rushed to put on some hospital appropriate clothes .

Amari didn't need to worry about getting milani because she was with kimmy down at her grandmothers.

Amari rushed out into the car and drove towards the hospital.

" You made it ." Amari was met with a hug the moment she stepped into the hospital by Ramaj .

Amari hugged him back and held him close knowing this could be their last time around each other .

" he was shot when taking us home . Him and T ."

" how are they ?"

" we don't know Kd has been crying his ass off and Ky js staring at the wall and the doctors said they'll come let us know soon ."

Still holding Ramaj Amari said down with Ramaj letting him lay on her shoulder .

" Family of Sincere Williams ."  They heard the doctor call out .

The crew all stood to their feet and walked towards the tall white man in a long white coat .

" are you all the family of Mr.Williams ?"

" yea ." Kd answered in a low toned voice  making it clear he had been crying .

" Mr Williams was shot twice one in the back and one in the chest near the neck area . The bullet in his back missed his spine by a quarter inch so he's blessed to be still able to walk but the bullet closest to his neck and chest area did sadly cut into a major blood source which would explain the major blood loss and the reason why he was pronounced brain dead once he arrived here ."

" so what now ?"

" Currently he is in a coma like state we did have to preform surgery on him which was successful but his heart did stop beating during the first surgery but we were able to revive him and get both bullets out without any major major problems.  But because of the blood loss and the prior brain damage it does look like he has a 10% surviving rate .Like I said he is in a coma like state but it should be okay for you all to visit him as of now ."

" how bout T-Roy ?"

" He ... Lost a lot of blood and in his case he does have O- blood type and we did not have enough of O- to give back all the blood he did loose . He was hit with a bullet once in the chest as well and it hit a major artery in his heart . He did pass away I'm sorry ." He said before walking away .

KD js broke down crying in the middle of the floor .

Ky js started bawling her eyes out hold her necklace that he gave her just two nights before .

Ramaj was staring down at the ground but you could clearly see the tears welled in his eyes .

Armani on the other hand Couldnt bring herself to cry it's not like she wasn't hurt by what happened it's because she couldn't believe that it would be taken this far . she knows that it could've only been one person that would've wanted to kill sincere or anyone around them .

Her babydad.

" can we just go see sincere make sure he's okay I don't want him to die too ." Ramaj said in a quiet voice .

He didn't even call him a bastard or nothing just his name .

They all wiped their eyes and walked into the room sincere was in .

They saw him hooked to machine after machine . Not even breathing on his own .

Ramaj took on look at his brother and started crying . Ramaj is not one that felt sorry for anyone he wasn't one that ever told anyone he loved them or showed them he loves them . He never felt anything for anyone .

But seeing his only protector. The only person that stuck with him regardless of how much it hurt to be around him . Seeing him laying in that hospital bed glass shards in his hair, dried blood all around his face . It hurt so he did something he's never really done before and he cried .

" No No not my brother . Please come back I'm sorry I'll be nice I promise please sincere please. I'll do the dishes I'll listen to you please I love you please ." Ramaj said going next to his brothers bedside and holding his cold and stiff hand as his tears dropped.

KD didn't say anything just let tears well into his eyes not crying because he felt like he needed to stay strong even though he's loosing the only family he has .

Amari cried . She fell for sincere in the short time that they have been in this little fake family . She never thought she would want to introduce someone new into her daughters life but sincere made her change her mind just a bit .

Ky didn't know how to feel knowing her bestfriend was hurt or knowing that the person who didn't judge her for her past and made her feel comfortable enough to still go out into the dating world and stuff was laying in a hospital bed with a 10% surviving rate .

Amari hated herself all this because of her .


LLT 💚😓

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