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Everyone was dreading the day that his funeral would come.Just two weeks later everyone is up and preparing to go to that church .

" Come on Ramaj ." Sincere said putting on his outfit over his arm cast .

Sincere got out the hospital the day after he woke up and all he left with was a broken arm . He never thought he would wake up to find out his brother and his best friend was dead .

Ever since that night he promised himself that whoever did this would feel what he got coming for them .

Sincere and T-Roy always thought they would grow old together meet their loves and have a couple of kids together who would grow to be raised as family .

But none of that was possible now because he was dead . Everything was hitting sincere all at once and he didn't know what to do .

" you ready ?" Ramaj said softly knocking at the door frame .

Even though Ramaj isn't well with understanding thing he knew that today wasn't a good day to be on his usual bs it hurt him to see his big brother out of it and hurting . Sincere doesn't know Ramaj heard him crying all night .

That night Ramaj snuck out of his bed and peeked through the door to find sincere with a picture of him and t-roy held close to his chest while he cried himself to the point where he couldn't breathe .

Sincere always out on a strong face infront of Ramaj , infront of KD, infront of ky , infront of kimmy and most importantly in front of the little girl he claimed as his .

Sincere hasn't seen Armani or milani since he was released and he was making the plan to see them after the funeral if their not there .

According to KD and them they've really been MIA and to sincere that was a bit weird .

Finishing up his outfit him and the boys drove over to the funeral home and into the church . After the pastor did his shi T-roys older  Brother Trenton went up on stand.

Royal and Trenton never really got along and when they were separated at a young age it didn't help their relationship.

" we are gathered here today to say our final goodbyes to our brother our friend our son and our supporter Royal lee martin . Royal was only 18 years old when his life was taken . Royal was a kind soul with nothing but love for this world . Royal was my little brother and I loved him dearly I know we didn't have the best relationship but at the end of the day It's forever long live Roy ."

After the whole service was continued it was time for sincere  Ramaj Trenton KD and the pastor to carry out his body to the the port where he was buried .

As they walked over caring his body the song ' Blue skies ' by KB Mike started playing .

This hit sincere because this was the first song T-Roy would sing everyday when it came out .

' Missing you - 1st lady .' Started playing causing all the aunties and grandmothers to get real emotional .

" Not my grand baby lord not my grandson." His grandmother screamed out dropping on the floor .

' it's hard to say goodbye - Boyz II Men '

" Imma miss you baby and I'll make sure our baby boy know your name. He gon live for you he gon strive for you and imma strive for you too my love there ain't nothing I won't do for you even after death you forever gon be in my heart you gon forever be my first love I love you fly high Roy ." Ky said crying over his casket .

Armani and Milani stayed back and didn't come towards the casket .

Armani didn't feel right doing that .

Armani hated how everything went down and hated thinking if Ramaj and her never met that night T-Roy would still be alive right now .

Eventually everyone did the ballon release of green and black balloons.

" LONG LIVE ROY ." Everyone yelled out releasing the balloons .

Everyone left after that .

Everyone but Sincere .

Sincere went down and sat next to his grave .

" imma miss you brother . Ion even know if I'm gon be able to go in a clear out your room tonight . This shi hurt swear it do . Never thought I would loose yo ass so soon . Imma forever stand ten toes behind you regardless of the fact that you not even here . Imma make sure they know yo name . Imma make sure nephew stay straight i know yo ass wouldve been hyped to be in his life right now but swear to you imma make sure it stay straight and yo lil man stay striaght i promise that to you . When I find that nigga who did this shi him and everyone involved gon get they shi split . I love you man and I ain't never gon not love yo goofy ass and I know yo ass gon miss you weed man . Stay up my heart ." Sincere said before getting up and drying his eyes leaving a fresh blunt on his gravestone .

( watch a crackhead come by smoke ts all up 😓 )



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