try again please

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It was dark and it was cold. How long was I asleep in Agathina's camper van?

I can't seem to move my body, familiar, but too far to reach. But I can move my eyes.

I opened them, darkness still surrounds me. There were no signs of life.

I can't breathe. I can't breathe. I CAN'T FUCKING BREATHE.

Why did my lungs betray me like that? I felt a hand gripped on my neck, it was slick and wet like goop. And it came from the darkness.

More of those things gripped below me, from my legs, my hands, my arms until I was dragged down to the pits of pitch black.

For some reason, I breathed again. I took a big gulp of decaying air. I don't care about that, I just need an air to breathe in after staying in that void for too long.

The air was intoxicating and there was... A buzzing sounds all around me, murmurs and shouted whispers. Now, I feel in great pain. Especially in my head, I felt the pulse of pain and... Despair.

"Get her some medical attention!"

"Hey kid... Stay with me, alright? Look at my eyes, Y/N"

Even my eyes is in great pain but I still see that... Emerald green.

"Great... Great job, kid. You're in good hands.."

I saw a very pretty butterfly flutter in front of me but it got shooed away by the person. It was so pretty, its patterns is gorgeous as always, black strips at the edge of the wings– looking like a shape of a human eye.

Its watching me.

I blacked out.. Again. And I was teleported back to my precious and lovely little shitless void.

"Welcome Home, Neighbor.." Wally Darling × ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now