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I can't with the noise.. It's annoying. Where am I anyway?

I looked around the void in hopes I would find.. Someone? Anyone? Who or what am I looking? Can you help me? Please? I ask so many questions to you but I can't ever hear you nor see you...



It's starting to get out of hand. I followed the source of the sound, there, in the middle of the void– is a red telephone ringing repeatedly.

Not having second thoughts invading my mind, I reached my hand ever so slowly and reaching it. It feels as if there's a strong force around the telephone, making me retract my hand away and then tried to reach the ringing phone again but with force this time.

Why are you stopping me from reaching it? Do you know what would happen to me? Are you god?

For the last time, I retracted my hand away again. And repeat it. I felt the force separate making me reach the phone without the unknown force that kept me from reaching it.

The phone is ringing so loudly, and it's vibrating each time it rings. I picked it up and placed it to my ear.

There is a long silence. Seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned to hours. I can't count how many hours I've been standing in front of the telephone as I waited someone or anyone to say hello on the other side of the dial.

In a miracle, I heard a heart beat within that dial then came along a soft monotone voice.

"Hello, neighbor"

It was bone chilling to the spine to hear that voice. I froze on my spot when I felt pairs of eyes watching me, I can't seem to turn around as I kept staring at the red telephone.

I can't move... What's happening?!

"Oh. Ha. Ha. Silly me. I'll be there to pick you up, neighbor."

More eyes spawned around me as they stared down. Its irises are twitching and observing my very own body, it's humiliating and terrifying. I could only move my eyes not my whole body or my head as I kept my hand with the phone on my ear.

I can hear the faint heart beat coming behind me as I heard creaking. Then, the heart beat sounds started to get really loud.

"See you soon, neighbor. "


"Welcome Home, Neighbor.." Wally Darling × ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now