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It's a beautiful day   ö̷͔̝̙̦͍͚͔́̆̆ù̴̖͕̫̞͆̔̉͊͛ͅ  t̷̨̐̃͑̓͒̆s̸̛̪͕̹̩͔͚̈́̏́̃͝į̴̥̩̎͂͘d̵̻̫͔̫̽̋̒̂̀̏̂̒̕ẻ̸͈͂̌̅̀̓̊̈́!̷̡͗̓̐̿̓̀̆͠–

I just woke up from a freshening sleep and I don't quite understand my dream I had last night. I walked towards the bathroom to brush my teeth then take a quick shower before going to my mailbox to check the mail.

After doing my hygiene, I put on some nice clothes for everyone to see. It's a gift from my–

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I went downstairs to get my mail. I opened the entrance door and walked towards my mailbox. There are three letters inside of my mailbox.

I heard Eddie walking passed by me saying a quick hello before going away to deliver the next mail to other neighbors.

I also gave him too a quick good morning and a hello before going inside of my house with the letters in my hand. I sat down on my couch to open the letters.

I ripped the first letter and it says that Frank wants to have butterfly catching with me– along with Julie, of course.

There's another note below it saying: P. S. Don't tell this to Agathina or else, she'll go nuts that I'm harrasing her kind.

I chuckled at the P. S note seeing how funny it is to read it. After finishing reading Frank's letter, I opened the second letter.

It came from Julie's, saying she wants to have a short tea party with me before go butterfly catching. I smiled at Julie's letter, looking at Julie's writing is so adorable and cute but the words are so serious, like.. She's so serious about the tea party were going to have for a short time.

I opened the third and last letter, it belonged to Wally. He says if I have time, he wants to have a walk with me by the lake he found in the neighborhood.

That's so nice of him, but I feel like I'm missing someone.

I shrugged off the feeling of missing someone so dear to me as I get ready for myself to have a short walk from Wally. I opened my door and locked it so no one will come barging into my house and steal.

I walked passed by the abandoned flower shop as I went towards Wally's house to take a short walk. Just before I could knock the door, I saw the curtains opened and stared down at me with those big irises.

I yelped when I felt the feeling of being watched. Wally's house is alive! I couldn't even move and it's so familiar.

I heard Wally shouting inside of the house before the house opened its door and revealed Wally with his usual clothes.

"Ah Y/N.. I'm sorry if Home caused you any trouble.", Wally said as he closed the door gently then giving it a small pat.

I only stood there frozen and shocked of what I just witnessed. When I watched Wally pats the door, it made a reaction to the house, indicating its happy because of... Whatever he did or say, I mind my own business.

A very tall rose has grown before me as I heard curtains shutting happily. I carefully  plucked the rose from its stem as the stem was being dragged down to the bottom of Wally's lawn.

"Hm... Home is so happy to see you, Y/N. And as an apology for scaring you, it gave you a rose", Wally explained happily before leaving the door. "I'll be back shortly Home!"

He waved goodbye to Wally's house and Home opened its door to wave repeatedly, saying goodbye to Wally and me.

I can see a rainbow in the sky. Reminds me of something. But either way, Wally tapped my shoulders and said:

"Hey Y/N. Did you know that there's going to be a new neighbor this day today?"

"No.. Why?", I tilted my head and confusion lit my head and face. There are no new neighbors around this moment so this is new.

"I suggest that we should give them a big welcome party. So the new neighbor will be super welcomed in the neighborhood.", Wally explained.

As we reached by the lake, there's a little bridge from the distance so we went there to take a little rest. Wally leaned over by the bridge, I didn't notice it was the right height for him to lean on, me? I have to slouch down. Hehe..

"Say, my dear. Since we're going to have a welcome party for the new neighbor. Why won't we also celebrate your one week stay here? After all, everyone's a bit busy that day", Wally looked over at the lake with his eyes lidded.

I thought about that, yes, everyone are a bit busy– even Eddie is also busy with the mails. And Frank too busy to do research and Howdy got a little crowd inside of his workplace. Getting full.

While me and Wally have our little conversation as we walk by the lake. I've noticed the end of the rainbow is in the middle of the lake, the ones that Wally kept staring at.

I wonder. If I went there, will it give me super cool powers?

I heard Wally chuckle and said, "I've always wondered what's inside the rainbow as a child..."

"Oh yes... Me too..........", I trailed off from my sentence.

What? I don't get it. Why did I got deja vu all of a sudden?

Wally turned his head towards me and asked me, "Are you alright, dear?"

I snapped from my trance and nodded. I heard Wally sighed and held the very edge of my skirt carefully and gently tugged me. I looked at him and just as I saw Wally smiling, he said: "Shall we go back?"

"Yes.", I answered simply as he let go the edge of my skirt and walked away. I followed him, he started to spark up a conversation I didn't noticed.

I wonder who is the neighbor gonna be?

"Welcome Home, Neighbor.." Wally Darling × ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now