42) Eyes On Me

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I lean back against the building behind me, messing with the vial held between my thumb and forefinger. It's the blood Toga collected from Ren during our attack on those UA kids at the camp. Couldn't have her transforming and sullying my little brother's reputation before it's even begun. Not that she would, but still.

I watch the crimson liquid slosh around inside the glass container. He's tough, but he leaves himself open far too much. Thinks that sand of his makes himself invincible. I chuckle and curl my fingers around the vial, slipping it inside my pants pocket. I pull my hood over my head as I watch the passerby's walking the streets.

I take a second to imagine my flames consuming their bodies, screams of agony filling the air. I smile lazily as they remain blissfully unaware of the threat I pose to them. But the precious cargo that walks among them keeps them safe, for now. "Touya," a voice speaks behind me and my smile falls. "He's dead."

"Ah, right. You're going by something else these days. What was it? Dobi?" I sigh and stand up straight, glancing over as he steps into my line of sight. The cigarette in his mouth draws my attention. "It's Dabi, now. What're you doing here, brat?"

"Come on now. Is that anyway to talk to an old friend?" He messes with his white hair and I narrow my eyes slightly. "You're not an old friend, Yamada." He merely found me when I was close to death thanks to my flames almost consuming me. And he some how convinced his family to take me in and nurse me back to health.

I didn't ask for their help, so in my eyes I owe them nothing. The minute I was well enough, I left, but this brat continued to follow me around. "Regardless, I need your help." I stare into his ruby red eyes and knew he had to be desperate if he was coming to me for favors. I arch my brow and he takes it as a sign to continue.

"The League is partnering with the Shie Hassaikai, correct?"

"More like using them, but I really couldn't care less what Shigaraki is doing with them. I won't be sticking around. I have my own business to attend to. What's it to you?"

"Cause that Chisaki bastard put Gramps into a coma and then snatched my kid sister! He's using her like a fucking guinea pig!" His eyes blazed with fury and I can understand why. "So, you want me to take care of him for you?" I chuckle in amusement, flicking my eyes back to watch the pedestrians moving past.

He suddenly grabs me by my hoodie and jerks me towards him, glaring daggers into my bored gaze. "Look! I never expected you to feel any obligation for back then! But God damn it, you fucking owe me, Touya," he snarls at me and I stare calmly back at him.

Behind all that hostility, I can see the fear and desperation. Just like when he was a kid. I can relate to that. I sigh and grab him by the bridge of his nose, pinching it roughly. It forces him to release my clothing and grab onto my wrist. "Ow! Ow, ow, ow! Fuck, man."

"Shut up, brat. I'll have an associate of mine look after your sister, okay? After this we're even, got it?"

"I got it!" I release my grip and lower my hand back to my side, chuckling at the glare he sends me while rubbing his nose. I've killed people for far less, none of them even knew my true identity, but I know I have nothing to fear from this Yakuza brat. "And stop calling me a brat, I'm twenty years old. I'm a grown man!"

"Grown, perhaps. Man? Not even close." He growls angrily and I laugh at his actions. I snatch the cigarette from his mouth and drop it, stomping it out. Everything in this world is pretty boring, but sometimes Jiro amuses me, so I keep him around.

I lean back against the building. "I'm sorry to hear about your sister. You seem to be doing good, though." He scoffs and crosses his arms. "Like hell I am! The only reason that fucker isn't dead is because it would sign Eri's death sentence. I can't lose her too, Touya."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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