17) Still Within Reach

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The day our dynamic shifted was some time after the Sports Festival ended. For awhile Ren was unusually quiet, he no longer tried to provoke Bakugo or I. It seemed to me like he was thinking hard about something. It didn't take long to conclude the cause of this sudden upset in his normal behavior was Midoriya.

During the Sports Festival Ren seemed to be behaving particularly cruelly. That darkness that always seemed to be present was no longer held in check, but let loose on whoever was unfortunate enough to get in his way. So, I assume, that Midoriya shared his thoughts on Ren's behavior, and the damaged boy actually listened.

Not long after that, he took the whole class by surprise when he publicly apologized for his horrendous behavior at the beginning of the semester. He didn't ask for their forgiveness, but hoped to achieve civility from that moment on. He then stood up, the class too stunned to speak, only to become even more baffled when suddenly he smiled awkwardly.

Almost like he had forgotten how to smile and was trying his best to remember. Such a dramatic change in personality after seeing him at his absolute darkest was, at first, more than a little off putting. But none of Class A had the heart to hold his past actions against him when witnessing him trying so hard to make things right. Everyone did their best to support and guide him.

So when he suddenly started trying to establish a friendship with me, I was confused and a little unnerved. Before when Ren looked at me, all I saw in his gaze was distain. But that changed too, and he started looking at me with kinder eyes. I wasn't sure how to feel, but I didn't hate the talks we began to have.

Or the happiness that rose up when he'd randomly hug me for no reason at all. He just wanted to. I remember the day our dynamic changed, the day I learned how alike we were. How our darkness grew from our painful upbringing, changing us into people we barely recognized.

I was walking through the busy streets, weaving around people while contemplating whether to stop for some soba or wait until I get home. I'm passing by a small park nearby with kids running around, under the watchful eye of their parents. The sound of a guitar playing made my steps falter as I stop unexpectedly.

I search my surroundings to find the source, curiosity piqued. My eyes widen in monetary shock when I discover the one playing was my half brother, Ren. He's seated in the grass, stringed instrument resting on his crossed legs as he strummed the chords. A small group had gathered to listen, some tossing money into his open guitar case.

I wonder if he does this often? I make my way over, hanging back, so I don't distract him, and listen to him sing.

"Would anyone notice
If tonight I disappeared?
Would anyone chase me
And say the words that I need to hear?"

He strums the chords and plays a somber melody, singing in a low voice to convey the emotions his lyrics express. Completely absorbed in his playing as if the park was completely empty.

"That I'm no burden
Not so worthless
Bent so much that I just might break
All consuming
So confusing
The questions that keep me awake"

I watch him play sadly, listening to his music and wistful tone. Writers sometimes aren't aware how much about themselves they reveal in their works. Whether it's intentional or not, Ren obviously uses song lyrics to share the burdens that he carries without actually telling people directly. It's his way of venting without revealing whatever it is he's locked inside his head.

"Would anyone care, would anyone cry
If I finally stepped off of this ledge tonight?
Would anything change, would you all be just fine?
Cause I need a reason to not throw the fight
It just might save my life

Endeavor's Bastard Son [Bakugo x Male!OC] TodoBaku Where stories live. Discover now