36) What Do You Want?

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I step off the elevator, towel around my neck, water dripping from my hair. I'm almost caught up on my classes. Not to mention, my supplementary class. It's been such a pain in the ass, but I refuse to fall behind. I'm almost at Ren's door when my phone vibrates in my pocket.

I ignore the sound of Ren playing his guitar, and retrieve the device from my pocket. I type in my password and find that Kirishima sent me a Line.

Enjoy your last night with Ren! :)

I roll my eyes and type a short reply, sending it. He's going with Ren to work under Fat Gum alongside Tamaki. And since I'll be busy with my extra classes, we won't be able to see each other for awhile. This is our last night to spend time together. At least privately, tomorrow is saturday which means we'll be going to that dinner with his mom and most likely his uncle as well.

Apparently, most of the boys are over at Kaminari's, having some game tournament or something. I wasn't really paying attention. I shove my phone back into my pocket before moving to stand in sand boy's doorway. He's sitting on his bed with his childhood guitar in his lap, strumming the instrument, eyes closed while he focuses.

"You may not believe it now
It's so hard to see just how
You matter at all
You just wanna disappear
Take all you've been building here
And just let it fall"

I lean against the frame, arms crossed, and just listen.

"I know you hate your life
But that doesn't change
The words you might write
The lives that you might save
You choose how misery's defined
So take this song as a sign
And make your pain your saving grace

You're a diamond in the darkness
Find purpose in your pain
Walk the wire, face the fire
Someone will need your strength
You're irreplaceable, your days in hell
Are gonna be your glory
You're irreplaceable, there's no one else
That can write your story

When no one knows the hell you've been through
That doesn't change that there's only one you
That every scar, every mark, every bruise
Gives you a heart that understands someone's abuse
Sometimes life will leave you black and blue
So you can learn to stand in someone else's shoes"

Ren's eyes open, but it takes a couple seconds before he notices me. He ceases playing and grins happily. "Katsuki!" It's still strange hearing him call me by my first name, but I also don't mind it. "How long have you been lurking?"

He sets his guitar on the floor, leaning it up against his bed, then gestures me over. I push away from the frame and walk forward. "Just a few minutes." I take the empty spot beside him and he chuckles quietly. "What?"

"You didn't dry your hair. That's so unlike you." I scoff and shake my head. "That's the least of my worries." He laughs and pulls the towel off my neck, covering my hair with it and begins to dry it. "Tough day?" He questions and I have no doubt he's referring to the new bandages I'm sporting.

I make a noise of confirmation. What really annoys me is I shouldn't have gotten hurt in the first place, but my mind's been preoccupied the last couple of days. What else is new. I just can't shake this feeling I get whenever I'm around Ren now. I've never even imagined you could create a bond like this with someone, least of all it happening to me.

I never really thought about any of this shit before meeting Ren. Now, I can't seem to get it out of my head. I got no clue how I'm supposed to act around him anymore. And I want to be able to do all the normal things couples do without feeling so awkward and timid. And even if I manage to get past those horrible feelings, with all that Ren's been forced to endure, I have no idea what's okay and what isn't.

Endeavor's Bastard Son [Bakugo x Male!OC] TodoBaku Where stories live. Discover now