26) Separate Paths

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I enter the hospital, and walk up to the desk. "Excuse me." The nurse turns to meet my gaze. "Yes, how may I help you?"

"Can you tell me where Rin Sosaki's room is?" She nods and holds up a finger as another nurse calls for her attention. "Have a seat, I'll be back in a moment." I nod back, then take a seat, rubbing my hands together anxiously. Shoto and Midoriya informed me that my childhood friend was severely injured during the attack on the training camp.

He was so bad that they briefly had him in the ICU until they could stabilize him. When Recovery Girl visited the hospital to help all the students, she healed Rin as well. Except, like with me, her Quirk can only do so much. He was taken off critical, but didn't wake up till two days later.

I wanted to see him before he's discharged. I have a couple minutes to spare before meeting with my mom's friend. I rub at my eyes, and try not to think about how bad his injuries must have been. "Take a seat here, Kiba," a voice speaks near me. I lift my head up to see a man helping a raven haired boy into a chair. My eyes are drawn to the cast on the seven year old boy's forearm.

"I'm gonna try and hunt down a vending machine. Stay right here, okay?" The boy nods and the man smiles sadly. "We'll go see your mother after. I'll be back soon." He stands up, and walks away. I smile when I see the child is holding a Hawks' doll to his chest. I stand up and move to the empty chair next to him.

"You're a fan of Hawks, huh?" He nods and doesn't meet my eyes. His face was a mix of sadness and pain. "Was that your dad?" I ask gently, pointing in the direction the man went. "Step-dad," he corrects in a quiet tone.

"Hey, that looks painful. How'd you hurt your wrist?" I make sure to keep my voice soft and kind. Whenever a teacher or adult tried to question me, they always had this hard edge to their tone which always put me on the defensive. So I'm talking to him the way I wish someone had talked to me.


"You fell?" He nods and pulls his legs up to rest his shoes on the edge of the seat, cradling his plush against his chest. "I got hurt recently, too. So did a lot of my friends. They were attacked by some pretty mean people."

I pull the fabric of my shorts up to reveal the large scar above my knee. The boy's eyes widen at the sight, and he finally meets my gaze. "Did you stop them?" I shake my head, but smile softly. "No, but sometimes people hurt us, and they aren't held accountable for it. Sometimes the world is unfair, but if you trust the right people, it's okay to tell them if someone hurts you."

"Who did you tell?" He asks in a whisper. "Well, my friend's told my teacher, and he did everything in his power to help me and my friends. Two of the bad guys were captured, and my friends were saved."

Kiba drops his chin onto his cast. "My mom's sick, the doctors don't know what's wrong with her."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"He tries to hide it, but he's scared..."

"Your step-dad?" He gives a curt nod. "I'm scared, too."

"It's okay to be scared," I assure him. He glances over at me. "I got pushed down some stairs," he admits and my eyes widen. "That's how I broke my wrist."

"What? Who would do that to you?"

"Couple a kids at my school. They hate me cause I'm Quirkless." I clench my jaw and force my anger down. I'm so sick of this kind of intolerance. I was singled out for being the son of Endeavor, then for being assaulted. In what world is that okay?!

And of course adults never set brats like that straight which causes them to grow up, and become menaces to society. I'm so sick of it. "I'm so sorry that happened to you, Kiba. What they did was not okay. You didn't deserve that."

Endeavor's Bastard Son [Bakugo x Male!OC] TodoBaku Where stories live. Discover now