23) Stay By My Side

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I stare down at my blood soaked hands as they tremble, no matter how much I want them to stop. "Kacchan." I lift my head up, my chest rising and falling frantically as I try to get my lungs to expand, to take in more air. He smiles at me, as if the body lying between us wasn't there. "You went too far again, huh?"

He crouches down in front of me, glancing down at Ren's pale face. Blood had pooled under his wrists, and stained the fabric of my knees crimson. "Why do you destroy those you care for, Kacchan?"

"Shut up!" I growl through clenched teeth as tears burn their way down my face. "Is power all you really care about? How far will you go to not appear weak? How many lives will you snuff out?" Hands cup my cheeks, and lift my head back up while the tears fall faster.

Deku had changed. Replaced by his junior high self, standing over me with a look of rebellious determination. Seeing him with that expression always infuriated me. Always boasting about becoming a hero when the moron didn't even possess a Quirk.

Everytime I heard him talk about that shit, I just wanted to beat the hell outta him. Maybe I'd finally knock some sense into his thick fucking skull. How could someone like him become a hero without the power to protect himself let alone others? What's the point of going and getting himself killed?!

Then I'd be left standing at the useless nerd's funeral, watching Auntie cry her heart out after losing her only son. But of course that probably never even crossed your mind, did it, Deku? Never even considered what his death would do to everyone around him, who cared about him. Wondering how their going to continue living their lives without you in it!

Selfish fucking Deku! "You won't need any help from me. You're quite capable snuffing out your life all on your own," I seethe. With a quick movement, I shrug off his hands, and lower my head back down.

"And what about All Might? You helped him quite a deal. He lost his power thanks to you. You destroyed the man you've spent your whole life looking up to. That's not very heroic, now is it, Kacchan?"

"SHUT UP, DAMMIT!!!!" I release a large explosion from my hands, agony shooting through my whole body as I choke on the smoke that obscures my vision. More tears roll down my face when a tight pain blooms in my chest.

Why am I so fucked up? Why can't I do anything right when it really counts? Why do I feel so alone? I never fucking needed anyone before. Damn extras weren't worth my time.

But... when I came to UA, suddenly a bunch of those idiots kept weaseling their way into my life. Like dumb hair, sparky, soy sauce face, and raccoon eyes. Even Ren somehow slipped past when I wasn't paying attention. With his stupid, shitty smile and irritating friendliness.

I wake with a start, barely managing to open my eyes before stinging liquid begins pooling in them, pissing me off. How am I still able to fucking cry? Already spent almost half an hour crying after watching Ren's video suicide note. And as if it wasn't bad enough, Ren's mom walked in on me crying like a child.

She comforted me the best she could before spotting Ren's face on the computer screen from where I'd paused the video. I couldn't handle listening anymore after a couple minutes of it. I couldn't exactly lie about what I'd discovered. So, I told her about the contents of the flash drive. And, unfortunately, I found out the reason why Ren had become suicidal.

Compared to Icyhot's, Ren's traumatic back story is ten times more fucked up. Yeah, being scarred by your mother is beyond messed up, but what Ren endured at only nine years old makes my blood boil. This world is filled with sick fucks. All of his former behavior made sense to me after hearing her story.

Endeavor's Bastard Son [Bakugo x Male!OC] TodoBaku حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن