1) The Same Yet Different

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Where am I? The sound of muffled voices fill my ears, but I can't see anything. What happened? The voices eventually faded away, and I faintly register my eyes opening. I bite back a grunt of pain, the dull ache in my body steadily becoming more noticeable.

I stare up at the white ceiling as it swims into focus, and I realize where I am. This is Recovery Girl's office, and the fight with Bakugo flashes through my mind. That's right. He kicked my ass in the gym. My chest tightens as I replay our fight on a loop in my head. I still feel a little groggy, but I could see our battle clear as day.

I close my eyes tightly, and swallow hard. I guess, I deserved it. I may not be the same person I was when first coming to UA, but I still did some bad things. I open my eyes when something shifts next to me. I turn my head, ignoring my body's protest, and my eyes widen when I find a sleeping Shoto.

The top half of his body was lying on the bed, and he was resting his head on his arms, breathing steadily. A tired smile graces my face, and I stretch my hand out, ignoring all the bandages wrapped around it, going all the way up my arm. I place my injured hand on top of my brother's head, ruffling his hair gently.

It's been weird having a brother, but I'm glad I decided to come to UA. We didn't get along at first, but that was more my fault than his. I didn't see him as anything other than an obstacle, someone that was in my way. It took a long time for my view point to change, and I'm glad Shoto didn't hold it against me when it did.

Though it's probably because he was going through something very similar. We both were closed off and cold, but we're trying to be better now. But Bakugo doesn't seem to feel the same, and is definitely holding my past actions against me. Who I was in junior high, the things I did, it was the only way for me to survive.

I'm not proud of what I did, and even if those guys were pricks, I didn't enjoy hurting them. I had no one to protect me, so I had to protect myself. I couldn't let my conscience get in the way, so I just locked it up. It was easy, since I was already going through some shit. Not feeling anything just seemed like the best option.

Except it's not that easy, even if you fool yourself into believing it is. As much as you wish you could, you can't ignore every emotion. I watch the slow rise and fall of Shoto's shoulders as he continues to sleep peacefully. I, absentmindedly, brush my thumb back and forth through his hair. My eyelids are beginning to feel heavy.

I don't fight it and allow myself to start nodding off. My arm throbs painfully, and I vaguely remember Bakugo's blasts hitting my sand, turning it to glass. Some of the shards pierced my arm. My Quirk allows me to create and manipulate sand. The sound of a door opening jolts me awake. I blink, trying to clear the fog that's filled my brain since I woke up.

It's possible that they gave me something for the pain. Maybe that's why I can't really think straight. I glance over and am shocked when I see who it is. "B-Bakugo?" He crosses the room in seconds, taking long strides, until he reaches my bedside, staring down at me with those piercing crimson orbs. As usual, he looks annoyed, so I quickly break eye contact.

My eyes travel down, only to freeze when I notice that his right arm is in a sling. I stare at it, my brain having a hard time processing information. I'm so tired and my whole body aches. I think I used my Quirk too much, trying to defend against the ash blonde's attacks. He was so fast. I could barley keep up at times.

Very slowly it sinks in, and I suddenly realize what I did. I can control my Quirk, most of the time, but other times it's almost like it's a sentient being. If someone attacks me from behind, my sand immediately comes to my defense. Even if I had no idea they were there. It's literally a defense mechanism.

Endeavor's Bastard Son [Bakugo x Male!OC] TodoBaku Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant