Chapter Four: Friends Lost and Found

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Martin barely registered Pearl's psychotic laugh or how everyone but Impulse snapped at her for it. He just felt... empty, of course he hadn't known Etho as much as some of the others, but it still felt like he had lost a good friend of his, and maybe he had.

None of them remembered how they ended up in this killing game. Maybe they had been close friends, and that was why this death affected him a lot more. Or maybe he was so far into despair that he couldn't resurface. Needless to say when he woke up back in his room his dreams were of everyone left dead.

Once again Martin woke up shaking. As he shakily made his way to the cafeteria, he was met by Scott. "You look... beaten up" the cyanette commented, "y-yeah I... kinda feel l-like shit" Martin agreed, "you're not the only one, I may not show it but..." Scott gently placed a hand on Martin's arm, "I'm also shaking."

Martin blinked and Scott chuckled weakly, "I'm not used to... this much death, and in such a gruesome manner to... it's a lot to weigh." Martin nodded, "your brave you know that" Scott said after they walked in silence for a bit, "h-how so?" "Well, time and time again you put yourself at risk for others. That's stuff I could only dream of doing."

Martin shrugged, "I-I'm just doing what I can y'know since I... can't do much" "you do a lot more then you realize then since you're the one who mostly solves the trials." "Everyone participates in them" Scott sighed, "you are way too modest for your own good."

Martin chuckled, "honestly that's probably true" Scott ended up sitting next to Martin much to Pearl's disappointment who ended up sitting next to Impulse (who was on Martin's other side) and Tango. Everyone seemed incredibly gloomy, except for Pearl who smiled and talked about everything she liked about the animals she'd hunted over the years.

When it was time for the motive, Martin noticed Impulse shaking in fear. Walking up to him, Martin rested a comforting hand on his shoulder giving the brunette a comforting smile. Impulse in return gave Martin a shaky smile of his own.

"Hello everyone!!!" Monocuma greeted, "just go fuck yourself already" Cleo snapped sounding exhausted, "awww why so rude? Today you get to explore the fourth floor of this wonderful despair inducing school! As well as get your new motive."

"Just be gone thy devil" Ren said although even he seemed tired, "finally someone else gets called a devil" Pearl grumbled seeming to be the only one who wasn't all that affected, although Martin knew she was just unable to show it in a way others could understand.

"Well anyway your motive is! Drumroll please" large cartoonish speakers appeared mimicking the sounds of drums as well as blasting out everyone's ears. "POISONOUS GAS!!!!" Monocuma shouted, "come again?" Tango asked, "every day I will fill this room with poisonous gas that will only stop once somebody dies." Monocuma explained, "w-what!?" Impulse stuttered out a look of absolute terror engulfing his entire face.

"You heard me, today is your freebie, but don't expect it often, oh and also two of you will have gas masks that you can use, but there's only two so be careful!" Martin looked around the room and took in everyone's reactions. Scott: mildly concerned, Pearl: surprised and quizzical, Tango: curious, Impulse: terrified, Mumbo: worried but not for him, Cleo: tired, Ren: angry, and Joel: mildly annoyed.

As they all left the gym, Martin realized how little there was left of them. When they had started, there were at least sixteen of them. Now there stood only nine. How many more were going to fall because of this killing game? Martin didn't know the answer to that, and he didn't think he wanted to.

As Martin explored the fourth floor he found Scott and decided to go and talk to him. "Oh, hello Martin" Scott said turning to face him, "hey" "so do you need something?" "No I kind of just wanted to hang out if that's alright with you." "It is, in fact would you like to explore this new floor with me?" Martin beamed, "sure!"

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