Chapter Three: Lost Souls Returned

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Martin had been so shocked by the scene unfolding before him that he hadn't realized he'd been crying until Ren put a hand on his shoulder. Skizzle had killed, but he didn't deserve to be killed in such a brutal manner.

Lizzie's death hadn't been so horrific. Sure it was brutal, but Skizz's death just added a whole new layer to fucked up. No words were spoken before the gas came and knocked them out. And when Martin woke up back in his room. He found himself hugging Pesky Bird softly. Since it was literally midnight Martin eventually went to bed but all his dreams were of him being in Skizz's place. There was one point in the nightmare where Scott had stabbed him over and over cursing his name for letting both Skizz and Jimmy die.

Dream Scott was so much more angry then real Scott, but his words still felt real nonetheless. When Martin headed down to breakfast the next morning with Pesky Bird on his shoulder he was shaking badly. Impulse threw him worried glances every few minutes, and Pearl gave him a few side eyes, but besides that no one commented on his physical state.

Remembering what Pearl had said the day prior he went to go find her. She was sitting on a desk in one of the classrooms staring off into space but she turned her head towards him as soon as he walked in. "Oh hi!" Pearl said happily, "hello" "I was wondering when you were gonna show up!" Martin then listened to Pearl ramble about the animals she hunted down ranging from cute and cuddly to ferocious and bloodthirsty.

In all honesty it sounded to Martin that Pearl had a tendency to be a bit over dramatic with things. "So, why did you want to see me?" Martin asked, "well... I've never had friends before" Pearl started, "everyone who tries just ends up leaving me because they think I'm creepy or something like that."

Pearl frowned and Martin saw genuine sadness in her eyes, "I know I say stuff that people don't understand, and in all honesty I really did like Lizzie I just... can't express my grief in a way most people understand." She then looked at Martin, "do you think I'm a devil like Ren calls me?" "No, I just think you're very hard to get along with" Martin said and Pearl let out a sad laugh, "yeah, yeah that makes sense... when I first started dating Scott, he was a lot different then how he looks now. He had blonde hair and wore more green colours instead of blue."

Pearl smiled to herself at the memory before that smile fell, "I thought I could be his hero... that I could bring him out of his barriers but... I guess I wasn't the right person for that." She then looked up to meet Martin's eyes, "that's why I didn't say anything after Skizzle died, because I knew it would just hurt him more."

Martin put a comforting hand on Pearl's back, "don't worry Pearl, I'm here for you, I'll stay by your side no matter what." "You will? Really?" "Yep! I may not be the most helpful but it's something right?" Pearl nodded, "thank you, and if anyone tries to kill you I'll stop them!" Martin laughed, "thanks"

Pearl smiled before hugging him, "I won't tell Ren if you won't" Pearl said her voice muffled, "I don't think telling Ren would end well for the both of us." Martin laughed. After saying goodbye to Pearl Martin walked around exploring every inch of the second floor he could since they had missed out on doing so before. Ding dong bing bong "attention students, please make your way the the gymnasium for your motive!"

Martin sighed, another motive for murder. As soon as Martin entered the gym he got a big wave from Pearl that earned her side eyes from Tango and Joel who were the only two other people in the room at the time. As soon as everyone had filed in monocuma appeared where he always did.

"Hello students! To reward your excellent deduction skills during yesterdays class trial I've decided to give you the reward of the third floor aaaannnd your new motive!" "And that is?" Cleo questioned, "secrets" "secrets?" Martin echoed, "that's right! Deep dark secrets that I'm sure none of you will want being revealed!" Monocuma said dramatically. Suddenly little slips of paper fluttered down to everyone's hands. Martin took a deep breath and looked at what it said.

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