Chapter Two: Changing The Heart Woven and Bound

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Martin stared in shock at what he had just seen. Lizzie, they're friend and fellow ultimate had just fallen to what must have been a brutal death, and an ironic one at that considering that she had done that to Grian The Ultimate Hang Glider. "That was..." Impulse trailed off, "amazingly well done!" Pearl said all of a sudden sounding as if nothing was wrong.

"The utter look on her face as she fell HAHAHAHAHA it's enough to make me cackle" The Ultimate Huntress collapsed in a fit of laughter, "no wonder you're the ultimate huntress" Tango said after she was done, "you're heartless" "what do you mean?" Pearl asked standing up, "no wonder Scott broke up with you, you're insane" Cleo agreed

"He was just confused, it wasn't like I was going to kill him or anything" "no I think Cleo's right on this one" as soon as Martin said that he wanted to take it back at the amount of hatred and hurt in the look Pearl gave him. "Ye has been named wrong for thee ultimate huntress is thy devil" Ren said positioning himself so that Martin was behind him.

"You, you can't be serious right now, right? Right!?" "Normally I would call this a joke but..." Scar looked away from the girl as he said this, not having the heart to see the damage of his words. "Your sick man" Joel said coldly before the gas came back knocking everyone back out.

Instead of waking up in the gym, Martin found himself in his room with Pesky Bird right next to him. "I guess you'll be staying with me" Martin said as the parrot hopped up on his arm. Pesky Bird only squawked in response.

Martin looked over at the clock and realized how late it was. "Jeez we've been in their for a while, it's 10:00 pm already" looks like it was time to go to bed. Unlike last time though his dreams were plagued with nightmares of Lizzie falling, of him being killed instead of Grian, and of everyone else turning into mangled corpses while monocuma laughed to the background.

When Martin woke up the next day he considered not going to breakfast. Lizzie had killed without much hesitation what was to say the others wouldn't do the same. A knock on his door made him jump. "C-coming!" Martin said stumbling as he made his way to the door with Pesky Bird on his shoulder.

"Hello laddie" Ren said as soon as he had opened the door, "hi Ren" "me hand, ye be scared because of thine events that befell upon thy ultimate protector, but hiding isn't what a thine ultimate would do." "Easy for you to say" an edge slipping into Martin's voice, "you know your ultimate talent, what if I'm just a nobody who got caught up in this mess."

Ren gave him a pitying look and put a hand on Martin's shoulder, "don't say that laddie, ye did great things back there, me hand is worthy of thine ultimate title." "But I killed your sister, you should hate me" "thine kings sister made ye choice to slay thine ultimate hang glider, ye only protected the rest of thine ultimates from dying to."

Martin looked to the ground, "he's right y'know" the voice of Scott agreed, "you realized Pesky Bird could help us find the culprit and instead of keeping it to yourself you told everyone." Martin shrugged, "I was just being a decent human being" "it's takes more then being decent to do what you did there." "Major is right laddie" Ren agreed

Tears threatened to made an appearance as Martin looked at the two of them. "I-I don't deserve you" Martin said finally, "I don't deserve most things" was Scott's only answer and Martin just laughed, "I'm guessing I'm not getting an answer as to why you said that."

"Yep" when the three came into the cafeteria Martin noticed everyone but two people were there, "where are Impulse and Etho?" Martin questioned, "oh, Impulse didn't show up yet so we sent Etho to go get him" Scar explained, "oh cool" there was an awkward tension resting between everyone as talk was few and far between.

Martin sat next to Ren and Scar while Scott sat in between Jimmy and Skizz. Eventually Impulse and Etho came back, Impulse looking like he hadn't slept a wink while Etho seemed unfazed by the situation at hand. Then again he was The Ultimate Soldier so it only made sense that death wouldn't affect him that much.

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