Chapter Two: Investigation and Trial

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"C-Cleo?" Martin choked out ding dong bing bong "a body has been discovered! Investigation time will now begin" Martin looked at Etho each wondering the same thing. Did Cleo kill Jimmy? "Who die-" Scott cut himself off as he saw who it was, "n-no" the words were barely a whisper before a sob emerged from Scott's voice as he collapsed to the floor sobbing.

Martin leaned down to try and comfort him, "hey now, it's ok, we'll find out who killed him don't worry. It'll be fine" Scott hugged Martin tightly, "what happened? Who died?" Tango asked, "Jimmy" Cleo answered, breaking out of the hug Martin helped Scott up. Martin turned to see Skizz approaching them a look of terror written across his face. "Here, take Scott and help calm him down" Martin said and Skizz just nodded. Martin then sighed as he took out his monopad once again.

Victims name: Jimmy Solidarity
Talent: Ultimate Canary
Killed in: The Gymnasium
Injuries include: one arrow wound, ten stab wounds
Cause of death: blood loss
Last to see him alive: Cleo Zombie

Martin tilted his head in confusion, if Cleo was the last to see him alive then Cleo couldn't have killed him, but at the same time it seemed painfully obvious that it was Cleo. Martin approached Jimmy's lifeless body with caution as if he was afraid it might leap at him.

"Before you say anything I want you to know I didn't kill him" Cleo said, "don't worry, I doubt it's you" he didn't know how much of that he actually believed, but he figured that until more evidence was found that made her guilty he'd let the suspicion on her wash over him for now.

"Do you know how much he'd been stabbed?" Bdubs asked and Martin raised his head up in confusion, "what do you mean? It said so on the monopad didn't it?" "No?" "Want me to check since I haven't yet?" Cleo asked, "probably good" Martin said nodding. Cleo looked at her monopad for a moment before saying, "nope it definitely says the amount of stab wounds, as well as an arrow wound to which is probably good to know."

"Probably" Martin agreed, "let's go see if we can find any evidence outside of the gym considering there was in Lizzie's trial" Cleo said, "alright" Bdubs agreed and the three of them left the gym along with Pearl, Etho, and Ren.

Martin sighed after about a minute of finding nothing. Maybe the killer was better at hiding evidence then Lizzie had been. Maybe the killer was in fact Cleo. What was to say it wasn't a murder at all. "Hey Martin!" Scar called out, "yeah?" "Come over here I found something!" Scar pointed to one of the empty classrooms.

As Martin peered inside he instantly knew what Scar was talking about. Tucked really badly under a desk was a quiver with nine arrows in it. "I think there might be a bow around here to" Scar said going further into the classroom with Martin following shortly behind.

After an embarrassing amount of searching they finally found the bow right next to the doorway. "Well this is awkward" Scar chuckled and Martin snickered at how absolutely stupid they both were to miss something as obvious as this. "Well putting our stupidity aside I think we found murder weapon one."

"There's more then one weapon?" Scar asked confused, "did you not look at the monopad?" Martin questioned, "no I didn't think I needed to" "well you should probably start since it'll most likely have valuable information on it."

"Good thinking" Scar said taking out his monopad and looking through the body report. Martin returned back to the gym where Jimmy lay dead and found Pearl looking at it intensely. "Is this where I find out your a cannibal?" Martin joked, "oh quiet mister I don't know my own ultimate talent" Pearl said rolling her eyes, "for your information I'm looking at his wounds, I did the same thing for Grian not that it helped in the long run."

Martin nodded, "what have you found?" " Why should I ask you? You abandoned me like everyone else" Pearl said bitterly, "I didn't abandon you Pearl, I just... didn't like how you laughed at Lizzie's death." "I see" she paused before saying, "find me after breakfast tomorrow, we'll talk more then" Pearl then skipped out of the gymnasium leaving Martin with the body.

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