Chapter Five: In The Deepest Pits of Despair Their is Still Hope

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Martin had been wondering why he wasn't participating in this trial and investigation considering that there was a rule that said every living student must participate in the class trial. He wasn't dead he was pretty sure, but no one came to drag him into the gym so he could participate in the class trial so he guessed he got a pass.

His limbs had slowly gained feeling over time to the point where he could sit up straight without too much issue. His head throbbed when he did that though so he decided to lay back down. Pesky Bird had completely destroyed the gas mask not that it mattered anymore since the motive was over, but Martin still felt like it was a bit of a waste.

It was early in the morning when Pearl entered the medical bay looking a lot more somber then usual. "H-hey Pearl" Martin said his voice horse from the lack of using it, "hey Martin, how are you doing?" Pearl greeted in a quieter tone then Martin was used to.

"Are you able to sit up?" "Yeah, my head just hurts when I do it." Pearl nodded before taking out a piece of paper. "Who died?" "Impulse... he..." Pearl looked down her eyes full of tears, "he left a note for us..." Martin nodded, even though Pearl hadn't said it directly Martin already knew what she was talking about. "What does it say?" Martin asked already choking up, "I think I might cry it I read it" Pearl admitted handing him the note for Martin to read himself.

Dear: Martin and Pearl
You have been the best friends I could've ever asked for! I know you're probably gonna blame yourselves for my death, so I want you to know that I chose this. I know what I got myself into so I ask that you don't beat yourselves up about it. Please tell the others to try and not kill each other no matter what monocuma throws at them. With all that out the way, I'll see you guys when your journey finally ends.
From: Impulse SV

Tears fell down Martin's eyes as he read this. Jeez out of all the things Impulse could've wrote he didn't need to go that hard. Martin found himself being wrapped up in a hug by Pearl, and he let himself melt into it. "I think you know what we need to do" Pearl said softly after a while and Martin nodded.

"We need to escape this killing game" she was right, they needed to escape this school, for Impulse. Pearl helped Martin out of bed and into the cafeteria where everyone else was eating breakfast. No one said anything, and Martin just ate the food put in front of him. When breakfast ended and the announcement for everyone to come to the gym for the new motive Pearl helped carry Martin with one arm slung around his shoulder.

"Helllloooo everyone!!!" Monocuma greeted with no response, everyone was either glaring the bear down or to gloomy to really respond. "Jeez tough crowd, well anyway it's time for your new motive! As well as the fact that you have access to the fifth floor of course."

Monocuma tossed everyone a tablet that was similar to the monopads, but not quite. "These tablets show you what you most desire and how to get it!" Martin stiffened at this. The thing you most desire, there was one thing that Martin desired, but that was unreachable. Unless it was escaping the killing game, but monocuma wouldn't give them that. Would he?

Martin pocketed the motive not wanting any sort of temptation to kill. The last thing he wanted was to meet Impulse in the afterlife as someone who killed another for their own gain. No, he wasn't going to do it. As he walked along the fifth floor of the school Martin ran into Tango.

"Hey Martin! Wanna bet on how many more floors we'll see?" "Uhm... sure" Martin then spent a few hours with Tango betting on random things. "Hey Tango" "yeah?" "How did you get your title of ultimate gambler?" Tango shrugged, "I had some friends I used to hang out with that loved to gamble, so I guess you could say I learned pretty fast the art of gambling."

Martin nodded, "I see" Tango's smile dimmed, "d-did I say something wrong?" Martin asked, "no it's just... I found out that they were..." Martin placed a comforting hand on Tango's back, "hey it's ok, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to" Tango shook his head, "it's not that I don't want to tell you it's..."

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