Chapter Three: Investigation and Trial

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Ding dong bing bong "a body has been discovered! Investigation time will now begin" "a-at least we know you didn't do it" Impulse said shakily, "the announcement wouldn't have played if you had killed him in self defence." Pearl nodded, "just like with Cleo's trial"

Suddenly, Etho and Ren came running up to them, "who died?" Etho asked, "Bdubs" Martin answered. "What did thy devil do to thee ultimate clock maker?" Ren asked, "excuse me! I didn't do anything!" Pearl protested, "the blood on you says otherwise" Etho pointed out, "she got attacked" Impulse said, "and it was probably by one of you to considering how mean you've been to her."

"Me hand, don't tell thy king you side with ye ultimate lucky student and thee devil." Ren pled, and Martin shrugged, "it's nothing personal, it's just you are quite mean to her" "let's just get to investigating" Etho said which marked the end of the conversation for now.

For now they could save the petty squabbles for after the investigation and class trial. Martin looked around the music room, and found a slip of paper. Martin immediately recognized it as one of the notes that contained someone's secret by how the back had a picture of the bears face on it. Taking a deep breath Martin picked it up and flipped it over so he could read it.

Bdubs's secret

You left your old town behind to find the one who killed your family, but was killing theirs really the right thing?

Martin stared at the note in disbelief, of course he knew that Impulse had murdered his parents, and Pearl had tried to kill her sister, but killing someone else's family seemed a little extreme. "Whatcha find?" Pearl asked, "I found Bdubs's secret" Martin said handing her the note, "oh my! Bdubs must've been really out for revenge if he killed the guys family and not the guy himself!"

Martin nodded, "it's quite terrifying if you think about it." "But it would explain his attitude a bit" "true, that it would" Martin then walked over to a door labeled Instrument Storage figuring that it might have some clues Martin opened the door and nearly screamed at what he saw.

The room was filled with blood, some of which had dried a bit, but in the centre of it all was something Martin hadn't expected in the slightest, "something wrong Martin?" Impulse asked before coming in the room and shrieking like he'd been bit by a snake.

There laying in a pool of fresh blood was the body of Scar Good. "Something happ-WOAH WHAT THE HECK!!!" Tango shouted coming into the room as well and triggering the body discovery announcement ding dong bing bong "a body has been discovered! Investigation time will now begin" another body, another victim, another one lost to this death game.

"Two bodies!?" Tango said in disbelief, "what is with this murderer?" Martin questioned, "my, my looks like someone's been on a rampage!" Pearl said from inside the music room, "it's probably you" Etho pointed out, "oh shush" Pearl brushed off the insult, "I've only ever killed animals" "but you've tried to kill people" "could you two stop bickering and focus on finding the killer?" Martin asked coming back into the room, "or killers!" Monocuma said appearing out of nowhere, "huh?" Martin questioned, "there could be two killers y'know!" "Would they both get punished if that's the case?" Etho questioned, "nope! Only the murderer of the first body will be punished! Oh the beautiful despair that will bring phuhuhuhu!" And with that monocuma disappeared.

"Hey Martin, have you looked at your monopad yet?" Scott asked calmly walking into the room, "uhm... no I haven't yet" Martin answered honestly, "I see, well you should, I haven't looked at the second one yet, but I have looked at Bdubs." Martin nodded, "alright, I'll do that immediately." "I probably should to" Impulse admitted, "I was a bit too in shock of finding both Bdubs and Scar dead that I forgot that was a thing."

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