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Chapter 53: Summer Homework

After the end of the final exam, the prospective high school students were left in school to continue their classes.

Ni Qingjia was in great pain, this semester was a little too long.

After the results came out, Ni Qingjia's pain doubled. Although her parents didn't have high requirements for her in studies, but this time the test was so ugly that Ni Qingjia was deducted from her pocket money for a week by her parents.

When everything went wrong, Ni Qingjia let out a deep sigh.

During class, Ni Qingjia thought of something, and opened the summary of the final exam results on the class computer, which contained the ranking of the entire grade, and she looked at it from the top.

There is no need to slide the mouse, and Chen Jing's name can be seen directly on the first page.

Xue Miaomiao stepped onto the podium and squeezed beside Ni Qingjia: "Why, are you looking for your ex-boyfriend?"

She already knew about Ni Qingjia and Chen Jing's breakup, so she made fun of it on purpose.

Ni Qingjia closed the document and refused to admit it: "No, just take a look."

After speaking, return to your seat.

In Ni Qingjia's subconscious mind, Chen Jing's grades are related to her. It doesn't matter if she fails the exam, if Chen Jing fails the exam, Ni Qingjia will feel that she has committed a serious crime.

Fortunately, Chen Jing was not affected, and Ni Qingjia heaved a sigh of relief.

Thinking of Chen Jing, what a coincidence, Ni Qingjia has always been able to meet him in recent days.

She didn't know if Chen Jing did it on purpose.

His class was at the end of the corridor, next to the stairs on the other side. But every time Chen Jing had to come up the stairs on this side, and then walk through the whole long corridor before returning to his class.

When he went to the toilet or got things from the office, he had to go through Ni Qingjia's classroom.

Sitting by the window, Ni Qingjia could see his tall and straight profile, the smooth and distinct jaw line, and the glasses that have never changed for thousands of years.

Even in the hot summer, he still buttoned up the collar of his school uniform meticulously, and he would not randomly open three buttons to dissipate heat like some boys do.

Chen Jing would not take the initiative to say hello to Ni Qingjia, he just passed by normally, and sometimes he would not look at her, so Ni Qingjia pretended not to notice him most of the time.

Except for one time, when Ni Qingjia was joking with the boys in the class in the corridor, Chen Jing happened to pass by and glanced at her intentionally or unintentionally.

It was a sunny day, and the warm golden sun covered the corridor.

His eyes fell on her like a butterfly, stayed for a moment, and left expressionlessly.

At that moment, Ni Qingjia seemed to see a butterfly with its wings broken in the rain. It was clear that the sun was shining outside, but his world was dark and stormy.

Feeling guilty for no reason, Ni Qingjia hurried into the classroom.

Afterwards, when she thought about this incident, she didn't understand why she felt guilty because they broke up long ago.

Moreover, Chen Jing didn't seem to be as relaxed and relieved as she thought.

Ni Qingjia couldn't understand him more and more, so she just ignored him.

After a week of class, the teacher started sending out summer homework early, saying that it was to give them more time to write, but the homework was twice as much as usual during the holidays.

The test paper in hand is as thick as a book.

The whole class was crying and screaming, and some clever people were already planning to divide the work and cooperate. Ni Qingjia didn't participate, she was going to sit back and reap the rewards.

The division of labor team had a heated discussion about who should write which subject, and suddenly someone suggested that it is better to seek help from Chen Jing in a few days.

Chen Jing is efficient and easy to talk to, so he is the best candidate.

The new plan was unanimously supported.

The day before the holiday, the division of labor team sent a representative to the key class to find Chen Jing.

A few minutes later, under the eyes of everyone, he returned empty-handed.

The man said despondently: "Xueba said that we haven't finished writing yet, let's do it ourselves first."

Reluctantly, we can only open the second plan and continue to divide and cooperate.

Xue Miaomiao was also one of them. She winked at Ni Qingjia and said, "Believe it or not, if you go, Chen Jing will definitely not answer like this."

Ni Qingjia waved his hand: "Don't talk nonsense, I have nothing to do with him long ago."

"Sister, I'm telling the truth." Xue Miaomiao leaned closer, smiling lightly, "I'm not blind, every time he passes by and looks at your eyes, it's sticky..."

"Yes." Ni Qingjia shrank back, talking nonsense, "Why are you so close to me, I don't do lesbians."

Xue Miaomiao sat back and said inscrutably, "It's clear to the bystanders, you two are endless..."

Ni Qingjia rolled her eyes at her nagging words: "Anyway, I'm not going, so don't make up my mind."

Xue Miaomiao snorted and followed the organization to assign tasks without forcing Ni Qingjia.

This summer vacation ushered in the highest temperature in recent years, and Ni Qingjia spent the whole day in the air-conditioned room, unable to leave for a moment. Go out for a walk in the evening at most, and eat and drink with a few friends.

Ni Qingjia's mother saw her staying at home every day, so she dragged her to attend the wedding of a distant relative.

Ni Qingjia protested: "What am I going to do, I don't know you well."

Originally, it didn't matter if Ni Qingjia was a younger generation or not, her mother just didn't like Ni Qingjia's liking on the bed and dragged her out of the house.

It is extremely hot at noon in summer, and the hum of cicadas is deafening. The streets are lined with trees and clusters of fresh flowers bloom.

The jagged shadows of flowers hit Ni Qingjia's face, leaving fine spots of light, like a dream.

It's just that her expression is not very good, which broke this beautiful picture.

Ni Qingjia was sweating profusely within a few minutes of going out, and she didn't come alive until she entered the hotel where the wedding was held.

Ni Qingjia smirked and greeted her mother with people she didn't know, her face was about to freeze.

Before the bride and groom came out, Ni Qingjia was sitting at the round table with her chin propped up, and her mother was greeting someone, calling her, Ni Qingjia turned her head and smiled perfunctorily.

I'm so bored, I really want to go.

She didn't notice that on the other side a few tables away, a teenager was watching her quietly.

The person next to the boy patted him on the shoulder, said with a smirk, "I saw him more than a dozen times in a minute, there's something wrong with you kid."

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