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Chapter 2: Subtle Pink

The few boyfriends that Ni Qingjia had a brief relationship with had different personalities, but they all had something in common with her.

Poor performance.

But in fact, when Ni Qingjia was in elementary school, she liked boys with good grades, who could easily solve problems that she didn't know, and she would get full marks in any test.

In junior high school, Ni Qingjia liked the kind of naughty little ruffian, deviant, and everywhere he went, someone would respectfully call him "Brother X".

Ni Qingjia's first love is one of "Brother X".

At first she enjoyed being called "Sister-in-law X", but later she found out that these little rascals were either fighting or blowing themselves up with a few girls, smoking and drinking, and their mouths were stinking, which was boring.

Ni Qingjia broke up with "Brother X" within a week, and "Brother X" made another girlfriend in the blink of an eye. From then on, Ni Qingjia's fan of boys who are small ruffians turned black.

Ni Qingjia had good grades in junior high school, and with the blessing of luck, she got into the current high school. "Brother X" wanted to get back with her after learning about it, and he might think that having a good student girlfriend would make him more attractive, because "Brother X"'s own score was only enough to get into a vocational high school. Of course Ni Qingjia disagreed, and "Brother X" didn't understand the yin and yang.

In high school, Ni Qingjia talked about people who loved to play like her. This kind of people usually hit it off and break up as soon as they break up. Falling in love is like eating a buffet without any psychological burden.

But after getting tired of playing with them, she always felt that there was something missing.

On the contrary, like Chen Jing, the type she once favored but never tried, attracted her very much. Maybe the more you lack something, the easier it is to be attracted by something.

Chen Jing was assigned to the same class as her because she failed the placement test. And he is now in the top 30 of the grade every time, and it will be a matter of time before he returns to the key class.

Ni Qingjia, like Xue Miaomiao, hadn't talked to Chen Jing much.

But she had observed him early on.

Chen Jing is a hard-working academic master, he is not the kind of student who can still be among the best while sleeping in class and playing basketball after class. On the contrary, every point of his is solid and practical.

Chen Jing seldom talks, but if students ask him for advice, he always explains patiently and gently.

For example, at this time, Li Yan took tonight's math practice paper and asked Chen Jing a big question. Chen Jing habitually turned his pen around, drew some pictures on the draft paper, and began to explain to her step by step.

After Chen Jing said a few words, he would look up at Li Yan, and wait for Li Yan to show an understanding expression before he continued to speak.

Ni Qingjia saw it all.

Think of Xue Miaomiao's negative words.

Ni Qingjia was very dissatisfied.

The beautiful eyes glanced at Chen Jing vaguely.

Looking at the time, there are still twenty minutes before evening self-study, so there is no rush.

When Li Yan finally left, Ni Qingjia slowly got up.

Chen Jing sat in the last row.

He was the student with the best grades in the class. The teacher originally wanted to transfer him to the front row, but Chen Jing said no, he didn't want to be special.

Ni Qingjia walked to Chen Jing's desk: "Chen Jing."

Chen Jing paused when he was doing the question, and heard a sweet female voice say: "I can't find the exercise paper, do you have any?"

Chen Jing, as the representative of the mathematics class, counts and distributes the test papers is his duty.

He said, "Wait a minute, I'll get it."

Chen Jing stood up, a head taller than Ni Qingjia.

Ni Qingjia stopped the figure who hurried out from the back door: "Chen Jing."

Chen Jing turned around.

"I'll go with you." Ni Qingjia smiled.

The corridor was dim, and the light from the classroom just fell on her face, like a flower blooming in the darkness.

Chen Jing's expression was hidden in the shadows, and his figure was straight, like a tall and straight poplar.

"Need not……"

Ni Qingjia interrupted him: "The main thing is that I don't know where the math teacher put the test paper, otherwise I wouldn't bother you. I'll go with you, and next time I lose it again, I can get it myself."

As he spoke, he walked to his side.

Chen Jing smelled the faint scent of shampoo, did not refuse, and walked silently.

The office was far away, Chen Jing walked quickly, leaving Ni Qingjia behind in a few steps, and as if remembering something, he silently slowed down and waited for her.

Ni Qingjia noticed his movements, the corners of his lips curled up, and he asked casually, "Is the homework difficult today?"

Chen Jing is not used to chatting with people like this, so he thought for a while before saying, "It's okay."

Ni Qingjia said "oh", Chen Jing's is okay, but it's as difficult as heaven for her.

"Is there anything I can ask you?"


Then all was quiet.

Ni Qingjia didn't speak, and it was even more impossible for Chen Jing to take the initiative to talk to her.

Ni Qingjia sneaked a glance at Chen Jing, and Chen Jing looked straight at the road without looking at her at all.

I don't know if it was a prank by the students, but one light on the road was on and the other was off. The profile of Chen Jing's side face alternated in the flickering light.

Ni Qingjia found that his nose bridge was very high, but it was difficult to find that he usually wore glasses.

Different from the strong book breath on his body, Chen Jing's facial features are sharp and angular, and the jaw line is smooth, sharp and clear. There is also the small protruding bone in the neck, revealing a green and sexy look.

Ni Qingjia was faintly excited, from peeking to staring blatantly.

Chen Jing's straight back was slightly stiff.

Walking into the dark office, Chen Jing skillfully turned on the light and found the math teacher's seat.

Ni Qingjia followed into the door.

When Chen Jing heard the footsteps, he didn't raise his head, and looked for the test paper with lowered eyes.

She takes a step closer.

I saw that the roots of his ears were slightly pink.

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