Chapter 25 - 10, 9, 8...

Start from the beginning

He glanced at the player list, and paused. It appeared to be glitching out, only showing his face with glitching text next to it, the rest just... static.

"Huh..." His eyes glanced around Lab-like decorations surrounding him in the cave. "I wonder where I am..." There didn't appear to be a way out, other than the way he came. There was a giant entrance to the sky, but he was unable to access it, given how high up it was... How would anyone get out of here, normally?

"I will help." The voice from before spoke in his mind, causing him to jump. He wasn't sure why, but he'd expected the voice to be gone once he left the game.

Magenta light swirled around him, causing him to close his eyes against the light. When he felt softer ground, his eyes opened, and his feet were elsewhere, atop of grass. Before him stood a towering... Rock? Odd.

He turned, spotting the cavern he came from. He wondered where the others were... and why the new system of lives hadn't begun. He sighed. Everything was so confusing... Maybe... Had he escaped?

It was a possibility. He didn't want to get his hopes up...

"Don't worry. You've made it out..." The voice spoke softly.

"Then..." Martyn decided to voice his other concern. "Why?" He knew he didn't have to elaborate...

The voice sighed. "I... need you to do something. There is someone on this server named Xisuma. Tell them that... Eyn would like to speak to them. Tell them... That Eyn's sorry, but they can help fix everything, and that they have answers."

"Then... Are you Eyn?" Martyn tilted his head, his thoughts flying. "Is that your name, I mean."

"Yes. I am Eyn. If Xisuma doesn't recognize that name... Evil X. He'll recognize that." Marytn could hear some bitterness in the disembodied voice - Eyn - and once again wondered, why was he listening to them? And then he realized - There wasn't really any other choice. They were the only one who knew where he was and what was happening. Heck, they could probably shove him back into the wasteland if they wanted to.

He began to walk. He figured eventually he'd find this Xisuma person if he just walked.


He'd been walking for a while. He wasn't sure how long. But it'd been a bit. He could be walking away from everyone for all he knew.

"Use the communicator." Eyn sounded resigned. They had been quiet for a bit. "I wanted to avoid it... it would arouse suspicion, but they... They're probably gone, or else they already know. Besides... We need to move quicker."

Martyn sighed. Did Eyn have to be this cryptic? Who was 'They', and why couldn't they know he was here?

"Later." Eyn's voice was a bit rushed, as if they had realized something. "Later, I will explain, but later. Send the message please."

Martyn rolled his eyes and tapped out a message. This had been the smart thing to do, he supposed... But why did he have to be this subtle.

Ʉ₦₭₦Ø₩₦: Hello. I come from another server. I was told to find someone named Xisuma?"

GoodTimeWithScar: Oh... Bad timing, I'm afraid.

Martyn froze at the familiar name. What was Scar doing here..? And why was his communicator so glitchy here? It wasn't doing his typical username of InTheLittleWood... He tapped out another message.

Ʉ₦₭₦Ø₩₦: Wdym?

GoodTimeWithScar: He's gone missing, along with some of our other players. I'm looking around the server, the others are contacting the hub.
GoodTimeWithScar: Your username is glitching on my end, what is it? I'll let the others know

Entwining Lives - A Hermitcraft & The Life series crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now