Chapter 16 - Scott's been all too happy

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TW: Mentions of death, Description of sensory overload, slight body horror, slight suicidal thoughts(?)

POV: LastLife!Scott

"Where are you bringing me-" Scott whispered, following the figure. He was cautious, but this seemed too important to pass up. The figure had promised answers...

The cloaked figure had not talked since they had invaded his room. The figure had broken the window, and passed him a note saying, 'Come with me. I can't tell you who I am, however, I assure you, I can help you and all the others.' They wore a dark green cloak with silver detailing that cloaked their face with darkness, leaving this entity anonymous.

Finally, they reached a clearing. The cloaked figure turned around to face him, their face still obscured with shadow. "We need to leave the server." They spoke finally, their voice... familiar. He quickly managed to place it. He'd only talked to a few people in this whole life.

"Jimmy?" The two hadn't interacted much. Jimmy had been a member of the Southlands, and the first death of the cruel game, whereas Scott had mostly stuck to his alliances. "Wait- What reality are you from?" Normally, such a question was incredibly odd, but in his new life, it was important.

"I'm from here, unfortunately. So I'm not the Jimmy you likely know." Scott sighed sadly as Jimmy resumed speaking. "But that's not the point- We've heard of the issues around the realities, and we've heard whispers that two of the others may have... been compromised. So we need help. Your help, specifically. You have information."

"And why should I believe you?" Scott tilted his head. "I've followed you this far, without question, I believe I deserve an explanation."

Jimmy sighed. "Scott please- I understand- There are topics I cannot-" Jimmy stumbled over his words, shaking his head. "Just get out of this server with me. I'll send you back afterwards and you will return. Your friends won't even know you're gone, I promise." Jimmy held a hand out.

"This is going to be my death isn't it- Serves me right for being so trusting" Scott sighed, reaching out to grab Jimmy's hand.

Jimmy began to chant, the speech foreign, yet oddly familiar. it was as if the translation was on the tip of his tongue, but he just couldn't place it. "𝙹!¡ᒷリ ᔑ ⊣ᔑℸ ̣ ᒷ∴ᔑ||, 𝙹!¡ᒷリ ᔑ ⍑ᔑ⍊ᒷリ. ⍑ᒷᔑ∷ ᒲ|| ∴⍑╎ᓭ!¡ᒷ∷ᓭ- d𝙹 i ∷ᒷᔑꖎꖎ|| リᒷᒷ↸ ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ↸𝙹 ℸ ̣ ⍑╎ᓭ?" At the end, the tone became more conversational, not chanting, but instead, as if speaking to someone, irritation seeping into his tone.

"||ᒷᓭ, ╎ℸ ̣ 'ᓭ ⎓𝙹∷ ℸ ̣ ∷ᔑ↸╎ℸ ̣ ╎𝙹リ. ᔑリ↸ ᓭᒷᓵ⚍∷╎ℸ ̣ ||. J⚍ᓭℸ ̣ ⎓╎リ╎ᓭ⍑ ╎ℸ ̣" A voice replied out from seemingly thin air from no visible source, causing Scott to jump. His eyes search for some source, some reason for this, his instincts screaming at him to defend himself, but he took a deep breath. He wouldn't die. He wouldn't.

"⎓╎リᒷ. ⍑ᒷᔑ∷ ᒲ|| ∴╎ᓭ⍑ᒷᓭ. ╎ ꖎ╎ᓭℸ ̣ ᒷリ ᔑリ↸ ∴ᔑ╎ℸ ̣." Jimmy replied, seemingly annoyed, before turning to Scott. "Sorry about this, we had to have the biggest stickler for the rules."

"I heard that-" The voice spoke in common this time. "Come on in Jimmy, and ensure that Scott is able to come through as well."

"Took you long enough-" Jimmy sighed, and moved his hand in a swirling motion, it lingering in the air, shining bright green.

It was almost blinding. Scott blinked as it shifted, the symbol becoming a rectangle, the symbol Jimmy traced turning black, as the light dimmed into a dull glow, revealing a door handle in the center of the glow. He squinted at it, everything feeling like it'd been flipped upside down.

Entwining Lives - A Hermitcraft & The Life series crossoverDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora