Chapter 8 - A strange world

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TWS: Hallucinations, Trauma.

POV: LastLife!Scott

Scott stopped examining the person before him to ponder something. They'd been walking for a bit, and should have clearly hit the world border by now... Right? The world he'd lived in was like a snow globe, a tiny world surrounded by the taunts of a larger reality beyond, untold mysteries beyond. Villages, Peaks, even valuable ores were just beyond their reach.

"Hey, Uh... Why haven't we reached the world border?" Scott asked quietly, figuring the person who lived here would know.

"Oh!" Gem, as the others had called her, turned around with a smile. She appeared to be a deer-elf hybrid, although Scott wasn't quite sure what they were exactly. Either way she was dressed regally in a stylized outfit with a skirt, blouse, along laced up leather... thing the author wasn't sure how to describe.

"There isn't a world border nearby, it's rather remote." Gem continued, still smiling.

"Huh.." Scott paused, pondering it. How many things were different between his world and this one. He turned over to Sun, who was staring at the ground, walking behind the two of them. Sun looked quite upset still.

Scott swallowed. He felt like he should do something, but he didn't really know what to do. Last life didn't exactly make you good at comforting people. Murdering others and paranoia, sure, probably one of the best places for that. But it did not help you at comforting others.

Luckily, Gem seemed on top of it.

She turned to the sad jumper-wearing humanoid, and quietly walked over. She whispered something to them, and wrapped them in a hug. Sun proceeded to melt into Gem's embrace, the action almost like a feline melting into someone's arms.

Scott gave a small smile. Sun probably missed affection, Scott knew he sure did himself. Although, he couldn't exactly remember getting any... The life game hadn't been a place where friendship was commonly shared, as it was a rather impractical use of time.

Then again, he wasn't exactly practical, his base had been highly flammable, trappable, and more.

The trio continued to walk on, Sun now next to Gem, Scott now being the one walking behind. He was fine with this, automatically taking the role of watching their back, and instinctively drawing his blade and shield on the chance they got ambushed, his mind screaming at him that he'd not been careful enough. And, even outside of his natural paranoia, something... was off. A tickling at the back of his neck as he glanced around, trying to find the source. The feeling of being...


He shook it off. He was just being paranoid, who'd want watch him?
Thinking about it, A lot of people actually would. He was a stranger in this server, came through a magical portal, and apparently was the alternate of someone else? That would make him the cause of interest, and interest meant trouble.

Those thoughts made him tighten his grip around his blade, tensing up as if someone would come jumping out of the forest at any second...

A flash met his eyes.


Blood coated the blade, his friend's blood, crimson and dripping down the blade.
He dully pulled it out of their corpse, emotionally numb.
All he knew was that this wouldn't be his last kill. More people were alive...
It was kill or be killed, all friendships and bonds broken and gone.
This was the endgame now.
And there only could be one winner...
And it had to be him.

His sword dripped blood on the ground as he swiftly strode through the woods, not from fear, but from knowledge...
The innate knowledge that he had to win, he had to.
After all, he wasn't ready to die just yet.


"Scott?" A soft voice shook him out of whatever state he'd just been in, causing him to go instantly on guard. "Scott, are you coming?"

"Yeah... Sorry."  He decided to keep this vision to himself. He didn't want to be seen as weak, even if this world didn't seem to be as strict when it came to life and death.

But that was... Odd. Nothing like that had ever happened to him before... He shook off his worries, dismissing it as the fact he'd gone through a lot the past few days. He shivered, and continued after Gem.


They call this a base? That was his first thought upon seeing the castle before him, stretching through the peaks of a nearby cliff. It was nothing short of stunning, the landscape was unlike any he'd seen before, and the amount of materials, and time they would need to complete such a project would be a huge commitment.

Sandstone, wood and copper, along with blocks he didn't recognize, all swirled together to create a beautiful palace, gradients in the rooftops and quite detailed in general.

Even Sun seemed to be taken aback by the build, the scale and mastery in the Elf-deer's build... It was beyond words. The two simply stared as Gem began to climb up the large stars up to the palace. She turned back to look at the two.

"You guys coming?" She asked, tilting her head.

"This... is amazing!" Scott exclaimed, looking at it all, taking it in the towering mountain top shape above.

"Heh, this is typical for hermitcraft. You should have seen Boatem's builds last season." Gem smiled. "Come on, you're going to catch a cold if you stay down there. Mountains tend to be chilly."

He shook himself out of his awe, although he couldn't imagine an even larger scale build then Gem's. "Alright." He turned to Sun, who was still just standing there. He took a deep breath. He had to be gentle with Sun, Sun was clearly mourning the loss of a friend. "Hey, Sun... you wanna come up?"

Sun silently nodded, his eyes sliding to look at the ground, before pausing, and shaking his head.

"Sun?" Gem began to walk down the stairs, and for that Scott silently thanked the Primals, he didn't want to try to comfort the grieving gremlin.

"Oh... Sorry. I... Can come." Sun whispered.

I cannot write Sun- IDK why but I just cannot- Sorry for the shorter chapter, getting this many words out of it was like pulling teeth, this took forever as is T-T

ALSO 300 reads- The HECK-

Sorry for the day late publishing, I lost track of time. School's chaotic

WC: 1065
- Xera

Entwining Lives - A Hermitcraft & The Life series crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now