Chapter 9 - Scarlet regrets all her decisions leading up to this point in time

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TW: Double Life Pearl, Slight SH, Slight derealization, Hallucinations

POV: Scarlet (DoubleLife!Pearl)

Scarlet glared at the blond who was, in fact, also glaring back at her. Her wolves were growling at her feet. Why did SHE need an escort? The armoured man, Xisuma, had claimed it was for her protection, but for Primal's sake, did he really think she'd buy that nonsense? Out of everyone she'd seen so far, she was the most ready for an ambush.

The blond - False was her name, she believed - hadn't stopped glaring, so she kept glaring back.

"Er- Guys?" A newcomer, replacing someone named 'Doc', who'd been too busy 'Breaking the rules of the world' to come, butted in.

The replacement for this 'Doc' was Scar's alternate. She laughed, remembering Scar's antics, the one who had given her the idea to... Tickle... Scott with powder snow. The one who'd been the first to burn down the ranch.

False looked a bit confused at her outburst, but she shook her head. "We're bringing you to a house we've built to shelter you for now. Forgive us... But we don't feel comfortable sheltering you near the areas we sleep in."

The scent of blood stung Scarlet's nose. She paused, this causing to falter, but as suddenly as it came, it disappeared.

She shook it off as her imagination, retorting. "You don't want me killing you while you sleep." Scarlet filled in the blanks in False's statement with a giggle. Jade and Lily shared noises of amusement between them, while Orchid spoke up quietly.

"Hey... Try to maybe be nice? They might want to be friends." Orchid barked softly.

"Like that's ever ended well." She whispered under her breath, knowing the wolves' sensitive hearing would pick it up, while the players before her would miss it.

"Well... Yeah. That's one way to put it." False replied to her previous statement.

The two began to walk through the Taiga, the firs dusted in the natural snows from the biome. Scar and False, dressed in not particularly warm clothing, began to shiver slightly from the chill, whereas her cloak warmed her. Besides, she was used to the sting of cold. These memories brought on another giggle.

With a flick of her hands, a signal her wolves understood, they shifted to make a triangle around the three. This way, they could protect from both threats outside, or inside the formation.

A rustle of sound came from the bush, whispering. "She's Unhinged..." Scott's voice hissed, causing her to flinch, automatically going on guard, searching the brush for the unknown location of her 'soulbound'.

The others didn't seem to notice, not even her wolves, so she shook her head, walking on, once again blaming her imagination.

A few minutes later, another voice hissed through the rustling leaves. "You know what, I'm breaking up with you too. Good riddance." Martyn's voice this time was the one the weave through the leaves, causing her to jump, tears forming at those words. That one was certainly real... and it hurt too much to ignore.

The yelp of agony from Tilly, the cries of agony, her begging for Scarlet to save her.
"Tilly!" She screamed. She couldn't just keep walking past it this time, and she began to run erratically into the forest. She had to save Tilly!

She didn't notice where she ran, and as her boots hit the white surface, the snow sank beneath her, causing her to fall into a pit of powdered snow.


She chuckled, this was the perfect opportunity to... 'Tickle'... Scott. She sat in the cold powdered snow, as she began to violently shiver, as per usual. Yet despite the fact she was actively freezing to death, she was used to the normal pangs of cold. She'd gotten used to the pain of powdered snow very quickly.

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