Chapter 7.5 - [Redacted]

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TW: A whole truckload of redacted, slight gore. (Reminder to check General TWS in A/N)

Also note, this really isn't a full chapter! It's a shorter snippet, from [Redacted]'s POV.

POV: [Redacted]

[Redacted] tugged at the sleeve of their clothes, before pulling it up slightly. There, burnt into their wrist, was that symbol. The broken rectangle, glowing violet as all watcher scars did, expect, this one didn't shimmer dimly like most of their scars, it's glow was almost blinding to look at. The mark of the Pact. The mark that granted them their power. The mark that [Redacted].

The curse hidden behind a blessing.

But glinting fires from the distance had pulled them from their lofty perch, pulling back from their godly delusions, leaving them weaker then before.
With it, it brought the realization. They was just a pawn, just another piece, in a little game.
Their false reality constructed of dreams and starlight had been abandoned, leaving them more alone for even longer.

That truth, a blessing and a curse. It'd had been a leap of faith, and they were still falling. Knowing there was no escape, knowing they would hit the ground, but kept trying to stop the fall.

What was the use in fighting back if all ended the same?

Yet despite this, They had to keep the [Redacted]s calm. Keep smiling, keep joking, keep acting like nothing was wrong, like they had slept in the past month, like they weren't falling apart... It was exhausting but needed, because if they panicked they'd fall apart.

They paused. They could feel the strings around them, pulling them deeper into the depths of the cavern they were venturing into. They didn't resist as it began to tug him through the stone, through the bedrock.

It pulled them into the room, a being before them, seemingly a [Redacted]. They glanced down. They now wearing their watcher mask and robes.

They had thought this was a good idea... They pulled their sleeve back down. They looked up to the ceiling, it's surface quartz and bedrock. Bedrock was such a odd block, and they really didn't get what the other watchers saw in it. [Redacted] sighed, looking back at the [Redacted] standing before them.

"[Redacted], Against my best interests... I agree to the proposed contract. Don't get me wrong, I think your contract is one-sided and unfair, but I have no other contracts. A watcher is nothing without orders." The watcher spoke, nodding to the [Redacted], reaching out their hand.

"Good." The [Redacted] grinned, reaching out as well. They shook, before the two began to do the binding ritual.

[Redacted] pulled out a ceremonial dagger, and cut a line up their inner arm. Violet blood, watcher blood dripped onto the floor as they passed it to the [Redacted], who did the same thing, their blood a deep [Redacted]. The two let the [redacted] and violet blood drip into a puddle together.

"With our blood combined, Our will declared, May the contract be signed, our souls and fate entwined until completion." The watcher whispered. The blood puddle suddenly flashed, and magic flowed through the watchers veins, as the magically bound contract was complete. With the completion of the ritual, the injuries the two sustained healed as if they'd never been there.

They took this moment to look over their visitor. It was odd, for sure, it's features [Redacted] in nature, cruel and sinister.

The binding was complete. With a flash of [Redacted] light, [Redacted] vanished, teleporting out of the room. [Redacted] swallowed with relief. [Redacted]s scared them...

[Redacted] sighed. They were alone again. They hated being alone. But as long as [Redacted] was safe. They promised they'd protect the [Redacted], and they would. They wouldn't be alone in the world. Not again.

As long as [Redacted] was safe, they'd do whatever it took. They'd bake the world in violet flames, they'd kill every other player. They promised they'd protect [Redacted]. And they would, they would protect it to the end of time. After all, a watcher always keeps their word.

They teleported out as well, landing deep in their mines.
They had their orders now.
Just to complete them... before it's too late.

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Smaller lil chapter, as I didn't want to switch POVs half-way through.
That's all :D (Also translation for galatic is in comments, but if you want the challenge, feel free to do it yourself
Also THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! 200 views, already? :D
Wc: 805
- Xera

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