Chapter 20 - Broken birdsongs

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TW: Hallucinations, Trauma, Manipulation, Gaslighting, Derealization, Death, Gore, Mentions of Suicide & Suicidal idealization

This is a very heavy chapter, please stay safe! I completely understand if you don't feel like reading it, it wasn't intended to get as dark as it did, but my writing got the better of me...

POV: Sun (Thirdlife!Grian)

"Alternate. Greetings... Have you forgotten your purpose?" A voice spoke in his mind, the language of the words foreign, yet they made sense.

"Who... Where am I? What are you talking about!" He looked around, but he saw naught but darkness.

He looked down to see sand underfoot. His eyes shot upwards to see Scar before him. "SCAR!" He ran forwards to embrace his friend, only for the scene to shift.

Bloody hands, standing over a limb body...

The sands ran red with blood. He scrambled backwards, his eyes wide. His hands dug for grasp in the sand, but it was slick with blood, everywhere, blood, sticking to him, it's scent tainting the air

"Do you still deny the reason we made you?" The voice hissed, almost like a snake would as it approached its prey.

"I- I don't know what you're talking about!" He yelled, tears streaming down his face head.

The scene flickered, warping. He was standing again, holding a sword, coated in the all-too-familiar substance. Beneath him was a dead body, too mutilated to recognize. He lifted the sword, and swung it behind him. A scream sounded. He watched himself smile as they turned to stare at Pearl slumping to the ground.

"How... Messy. We truly need to teach you your powers."

"Leave me alone..." He whispered, dropping the sword into the bloody sand.

Silence met his ears as he stepped back, and slipped, falling, falling, falling...

His feet hit the ground. His eyes darted around, but all he saw was darkness.

"Failure." A voice rasped, familiar, but the name was escaping him. Emotionless, but stinging nonetheless.

"N- No! I'm trying my best!" He gasped.

"You're the reason so many of them died." Another voice spoke, different, just as coldly as the last one.

"No... I didn't- I didn't mean to!"

The black room flickered, and he was standing on the hill... A large explosion sounded from the base, his communicator buzzing three times. Tears fell down his face. "I'M SORRY!" The scream was torn from his throat, stinging and burning. "I'm...Sorry."

"It's too late to apologize." This voice, unlike the others, was tinted by hatred. "When will you acknowledge you were made to cause pain, to cause hurt to others? You hide under pretenses of benevolence, yet you have, and will still hurt so many more, Watcher of the sands."

"I'm- I'm not a watcher! I-" He shouted, and his wings puffed up behind him, larger than before, lilac in coloration, black feathers dotting throughout.

"Are you so sure?" This voice merely seemed amused, but slightly mocking.

"... Shut up. What do you want from me?" His voice was almost pleading with them.

"There are three of you. On the night of the purple moon, you all must meet in the realm of the celestials. There you will finally fulfill your purpose."

He closed his eyes, readying himself for more torture. But he knew he would never be ready.

However, the last thing he was expecting to happen occured. He woke up.

Entwining Lives - A Hermitcraft & The Life series crossoverDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora