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Hello, and welcome to Intwining lives! If somehow by now you haven't figured it out by now, this is a crossover of Hermitcraft and Third, Last, and Double life! More fandoms may be added later though, we'll see.

I was planning on releasing this earlier, but I wanted to write a few more chapters for a bit of a buffer.

If your here from another one of my stories, Welcome back, I'm happy to have you along for this ride!
If not, then welcome! Glad you have you here :D
Updates should be at least once every week, as thats the schedule I'm trying to stick to.
Feel free to leave comments, and I'll try to reply!

Tws will be put at the start of the chapters, but expect Death, gore, trauma and angst, along with mentions of sucide (This is a life series crossover-)

If the POV character understands Galactic, it will be put in Italics, like this

Any art featured in this book (Including the cover) is my own.

Extra notes: I'm doing a tiny bit of a AU for the life series for certain things, for that extra bit of spice, along with some other changes, bc angst.

Events in Hermitcraft will not follow the canon timeline, as it will also be a AU.

- Xera

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