Chapter 12 - [Redacted] two, Electric Boogaloo

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TW: Mentions of death, Themes of Abuse and Torture.

POV: [Redacted]

The watcher turned finally, looking at the two of them. "Have I told you the story of the wolves?"

"No, Mx." The two swiftly replied in unison, their voices carefully even. [Redacted] was just glad they were talking again, rather than ignoring them.

"One day, a pack of wolves were hunting in the woods. They were strong, able to take down foxes, sheep..." The watcher glanced at [Redacted] as they continued. "and rabbits." The watcher began to walk forwards while speaking. "However, a blessing allowed them to survive without food. So they respected their underlings, protected them. And the beings below them respected the power of the wolves, feared them. "

The two nodded quickly, picking up the cues to reply, their expressions even. The female watchling spoke up again. "What happened?"

The watcher turned to the two. "They found two pups, abandoned in the forest. The pack decided to take them in. The pack made them strong, but it was tough. One of the pups turned to the other. That pup barked: 'This is too hard, this is cruel! I wanna return to the forest! Back where we were nothing.' The other pup was used to pain worse than this, and refused. They replied, 'But we aren't afraid anymore. We have the strength to protect ourselves... You don't understand how weak we were before. This blood we shed, I've shed before. I've shed more before, and I would have, if we hadn't joined'"

[Redacted] swallowed. They knew - Of course they knew. They knew everything.

"So, the first pup ran off to join the prey. The second pup became lonely. They talked to one of the wolves. 'Let me go with them! I'll protect the prey in the area, and I'll convince her to return!' The wolves agreed. But both the first pup grew complacent. They forgot the wolves that took them in. The same was beginning to happen to the second pup. The second pup was brought to make a deal with... another party... as the first had broken their oath to the pack..." The watcher grinned at [Redacted], a cruel smirk of a grin. "[Redacted], Go ahead, finish the tale."

[Redacted] quickly continued, choosing his words very carefully. "...The second pup began to hunt in the forests where the beings didn't respect the wolves, in exchange for the beings they protected, along with the first pup's life... Many forests burned and were left barren. But the beings there deserved it. They had been destroying themselves." He knew that way of speaking would lead to the watcher before him not thinking that he was rebelling. And he wasn't. There was no point. "And the second pup is still completing their contract to this day, to aid the oathbreaker."

"[REDACTED]!" The female watchling yelled. "YOU MADE A DEAL WITH THE [REDACTED]!?"

"[Redacted]," The male watchling replied evenly. "You are an oathbreaker, and I've been attempting to excuse your behavior. Do not raise your voice at me."

"I know better than you! I'm older than you! I've dealt with them for longer- You- You don't know what you've done!" The female watchling retorted.

"Older, yet your wisdom seems... lacking. These outbursts are unbecoming of a future watcher, even one who is an oathbreaker. I am disappointed in you." He tilted his head.

"I came back to this primal-cursed place for YOU!" She yelled back at him. He didn't react at all to this outburst.

"I brought you here for [Redacted]. This is larger than you and I, [redacted]. They are all in danger now, because you thought it was a good idea to run to them. [Redacted]'s in danger as well, because you ran to his server. I once thought we might as well be brother and sister. Now I see those were simply delusions. Or perhaps they were real, when you were stable. You're acting like a mortal, [Redacted], and that is something I am unable to forgive."

"You've destroyed multiple servers, and you act like I'm insane?! You're no better then [Redacted]! And [Redacted] would agree with me!"

[Redacted] stared at her with wide eyes. He'd always seen her as a friend, even despite what he'd just said - but she'd gone too far. Yet, in typical watcher fashion, he let himself sound vaguely amused, as if the words hadn't cut like a blade.

"Unlike [Redacted], and unlike you, I do not backstab my 'friends'. I swore I would protect that server, and I will. A watcher, or a watchling, always keeps his word. Go, run back to those mortals. I will continue to aid you. Resent me, I care not for the opinions of an oathbreaker. But I made a oath to protect that server, so I will not allow you to bring it to its demise."

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More redacteds? :O
And more hints as to who the two watchlings are... ;)

- Xera

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