Chapter 21 - Scorching & Smoke

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TW: Fire, Gore

Pov: Scarlet (DoubleLife!Pearl)

Her eyes darted open to a desperate, choked cry. "SCARLET- Scarlet wake up, you have to get out!"

Her lungs stung, and her nose filled with the scent of smoke. She jumped up, to see a circle of violet fire nearby. She froze, searching for the way out of the blanket fort that Sun and herself had shared the past few nights. Her wings had grown, she realized that after a second, and it threw off her balance, falling back to the ground.

Someone grabbed her, dragging her, wrapping their wings around her, pulling her out.

She barely made it out of the prison of blankets and pillows before the two of them fell to the ground, gasping for clean air, despite the fact there was none in the home Grian had lived in. She had been somewhat used to the scent of smoke, but it still caused memories to surface...

No. She shook the thoughts off, glancing behind her at her wings. They were white, slick with blood. She vaguely remembered the pain from the dream, but at least the blood was silver, not purple.

"I have to get Sun out..." The person who saved her called. Pearl. Grian had gone missing recently, similar to Scott, but no one told her the circumstances of their disappearance.

A scream met their ears, full of pain. "STOP- I DON'T WANT YOU TO BE HERE!" Sun yelled, as the flames began to eat the blankets.

"Can't we just use water- '' Scarlet's thoughts were scrambling, she didn't want to lose someone she actually trusted... Tears pricked her eyes, but she forced them back.

"Not with magical fire!" Pearl replied frantically, pacing, her wings fluffed up. "Shoot shoot shoot- If he dies, he won't respawn!"

"WHAT-" Scarlet's mind instantly began racing faster, and she came to a split second decision. "I'm going in." Before Pearl could react, she sprung up, darting back into the blanket fort. She trusted Sun, and she would die to save them.

Fire instantly met her eyes, stinging them with smoke and she paused. Every instinct was screaming at her to stop. Sun was saying something, but the roar of the flames were too loud to hear them. She tucked her wings in instinctively, and ran through. She grabbed the limp form of Sun in the center of the fire, and dragged, dragged them, fire lapping at her, making her wince, and every breath making her cough, but still, just a bit further, almost, ALMOST...

Arms grabbed her, tugging the two of them out. Scarlet collapsed on the ground, just outside of the range of the fire, and began to cough, her body trying to expel the toxins it inhaled.

"Sun, wake up! Please!" Pearl shook the limp body, panic filling her voice. "Shoot, shoot he's not breathing!"

"WHAT-" Scarlet yelled, pushing herself up, still coughing from the smoke inhalation.

"I GOT THE MESSAGE-" Gem yelled, appearing with a flash, feathered wings, not unlike her own, spread behind her, almost like the sun. She was also wearing a pink dress, which caused Scarlet to squint, before putting her mind back onto the matter at hand. "STEP BACK!"

A bright flash met the two's eyes, as they winced, and waited, waited... Scarlet coughed a few more times, before speaking "Is it-"

"Shush..." Pearl whispered, worry filling her tone of voice. "Let her focus..."

An agressive coughing filled the room as the light disappeared.

"It is resolved." Gem spoke over it. She sighed. "Sorry... That took a lot out of me. Could... I talk to Scarlet?"

"Yes, sure... Sun, buddy, you're okay..." Pearl waved the two off, while making sure Sun was alright.

Scarlet winced at the off-handed dismissal. It stung. Her skin still hurt from running through the flames, her back aching from the wings, but she was ignored. To be fair, Sun needed more help. But the dismissal was all too familiar to the ones from before...

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