chapter thirty eight

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Naia's eyes flutter open as she's met with a dim light. For the first second of her opening her eyes, she noticed that it was dark outside wherever she was laying. Her hands slightly moved, to where she felt something soft. She realized a blanket was covering her and she was laying down in bed. Her hand moves a little farther and she touches something. Something that felt like a hand. Naia sat up a little bit and saw that she was touching Sokka's hand. He was leaned over in a small stool, his head resting atop her bed. His arm was outstretched like he was previously holding her hand, but since he fell asleep he naturally let go.

Naia smiled lightly and reached to grab his hand once again. Sokka stirred from his sleep and looked up. When he saw Naia's deep blue eyes staring back at him, he almost jumped backwards. "Naia!" He said, his voice sounding hoarse. He immediately engulfed her in a hug.

Naia weakly wrapped his arms around him. "Hi," She said softly.

"You died," Sokka said frantically. Naia could feel a couple tears pelt her collarbone. "Katara said your heart stopped. You used your water bending and electrocuted yourself and Azula."

"Don't worry, it's working now," Naia reassured him with a smile.

"You told me you wouldn't do anything that would put you at harm," Sokka said, almost angrily. He placed his hands to cup her cheeks. "You're so stupid, Naia."

Naia playfully rolled her eyes. "I know."

Sokka laughed. Naia reached up and wiped a remaining tear from his eye. He pressed his lips against hers softly. "I was so scared. I didn't know if you were going to make it," He said sadly.

"You couldn't get rid of me if you tried, ponytail boy," Naia said cheekily, running her hands through his hair.

"Naia!" She heard another voice shout. Aang came speeding in the door so fast that a gust of wind slammed it against the wall. Milliseconds later, Katara, Toph, Koa, and Suki followed.

"You're finally awake," Toph said with a small smile.

"How long was I out?" Naia asked.

"Only a couple days," Katara answered.

"Oh no, I probably look like a wreck," Naia said, covering her face with her hands.

Katara walked over to the other side of the room and brought her over a small handheld mirror. "No, you don't," She said with a reassuring smile.

Naia took the mirror from her hands and gazed at herself. Everything looked the same. Her deep blue eyes, the light freckles dusting her nose and cheeks, her full pink colored lips. But...something was different. Naia shifted the mirror upwards towards her hair. It was mostly still the same, but one long stripe of hair on her right side was the same shade as fresh fallen snow.

"You're hair is different," Aang commented. "A strip of it is white, like—"

"Like Yue's," Naia said with a small smile. She loved her new hair. Though it was imperfect, it felt good to know that Naia would always carry a piece of her twin sister with her around.

"Did you see her?" Katara asked. Naia nodded softly, starting to play around with the coin necklace in her hands. "I'm glad you were able to talk with her."

"But...we're more glad you're here with us," Aang said.

Naia looked towards the group of people all hovered around her bed. She began to reflect on all that has happened since Yue passed. Naia wouldn't have been close with any of these wonderful people if she never left the North Pole. Aang, a kind heated and gentle kid who wouldn't hurt a fly. Katara, the caring younger sister that Naia never had. Toph, a brave and strong earth bender who inspired Naia with her perseverance. Suki, a patient and adaptable Kyoshi Warrior who's been nothing but kind to her. Zuko, the Fire Nation Prince who's heart changed. And Sokka, the boy she loved since the day she met him. Naia smiled. "Me too."

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