chapter twenty six

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After a totally bearable almost assassination brought by a man who could blow things up with his mind, it was clear that the gang was being hunted. They managed to shake off "combustion man", as Sokka called him, for now, but Naia's stomach sank when she thought of the day he would catch up to them. The gang travelled to Avatar Roku's island, who through the spirit world communicated with Aang on how the war began, and how Firelord Sozin was Avatar Roku's close friend. Naia suggested that they possibly might have been more than friends but the gang quickly shut down her idea.

As the days of the invasion grew nearer, Aang practiced hard. Toph used her earth bending, while Katara and Naia used their water bending at him. Aang was doing well, but needed a bit more practice. On one day, Toph suggested that Aang would be blind folded, using seismic sense to guide him. Everything was going according to plan until tensions rose between Katara and Toph, who instead of fighting Aang began to fight each other.

"Guys! Please!" Aang pleaded with them. Toph and Katara did not listen, as they continued to fight with one another. "Stop!"

The two essentially wrestled each other in the mud. Toph used her earth bending to splash Katara, ultimately splashing Naia in the face with mud as well. Naia used her water bending to wrap a tentacle of water around each of their waists, pulling them apart. "What has gotten into you two? I thought the whole point was to be fighting Aang," Naia said, still not letting them go.

"Yeah...," Aang said sheepishly.

"Okay, I think we've had enough training for today," Katara said gruffly, brushing off some of the mud from her arms and wading through it back towards camp.

Naia narrowed her eyes at Toph for getting mud in her hair. "You splashed me with mud too," Naia said.

"Oops," Toph shrugged.

Naia turned towards Aang. "I'm going to go clean up," She said.

A little while later, Naia was helping Katara make some food when Sokka, Toph, and Aang returned from the nearby village with bags of stuff. "Where did you guys get the money to buy all of this?" Naia asked as Sokka set down a heavy bag right next to her. "I didn't have to be your sugar mommy for once," She teased.

"Toph got us money!" Aang said cheerfully. "She scammed one of those guys in town who moved shells around all sneaky-like."

"She used earth bending to win the game!" Sokka said. "Classic."

"Ah, so she cheated," Katara pointed out.

"I only cheated because he was cheating," Toph said defensively. "I cheated a cheater."

"We shouldn't make a habit of doing this," Katara said.

"Why? Because it's fun and you hate fun?" Toph took a bite out of her apple.

"I don't hate fun!" Katara exclaimed.

"What do you think, Naia?" Aang asked. The entire group turned towards her.

"If you're cheating a cheater that's fine. Just don't be stupid and get caught," Naia shrugged.

Sokka ran over and slung his arm around her. "My girlfriend, ladies and gentlemen," He said. Naia smiled at him.

"Guys, I think these scams have gone far enough," Katara said. It was clear that Toph was scamming way too much. They came back home, their arms barely able to carry the sheer amount of stuff they won. "If you keep doing them something bad will happen."

"Could you lighten up for once?" Toph grumbled.

"You think I should be more like you?" Katara asked. "Like some wild child?"

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