chapter twenty four

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"I think I see a cave below!" Aang said excitedly. Naia and Katara smiled at each other, their arms starting to ache from keeping them outward for so long. Sokka was extremely paranoid about the Fire Nation spotting Appa—no matter how remote the island was—so they used their waterbending to form a small cloud around Appa.

"Shush!" Sokka scolded Aang, anxiously looking around. Once they determined the coast was clear and Appa landed on the beach, Naia let go of the water that was forming the cloud. "Great job with the cloud camo, but next time let's disguise ourselves as the cloud that keeps its mouth shut."

"Yeah," Toph said sarcastically. "We wouldn't want a bird to hear us chatting it up and turn us in to the Fire Lord."

"Hey! We're in enemy territory!" Sokka protested.

"Sokka, there's no one around us," Naia shook her head and crossed her arms over her chest.

Sokka looked around and saw four birds sitting atop a rock. Naia walked over and began to stroke one of the bird's feathers. "Those are enemy birds," He said darkly. One of them hopped down and rested on Sokka's head, which caused the rest of them to chuckle.

Once they reached a cave, Sokka turned around. "Well, I guess this is how we'll be living until the invasion begins. Hiding in cave after cave after cave..."

"Maybe we don't need to be cave people," Naia suggested. "What we need is new disguises."

"Yeah, blending in is better than hiding out," Aang agreed.

"If we get some Fire Nation clothes, we'll be just as safe as we would be hiding in a cave," Katara added on.

"More shopping? Sounds perfect to me," Naia said cheerfully.

Toph frowned. "Don't you have enough clothes already?" She asked sassily, crossed her arms over her chest.

Naia scoffed. "You can never have too many clothes."

After a bit of walking, the group found a persons home with tons of laundry hanging on wires outside. Each of them peered over a rock, making sure there was no one around. "I don't know about this. These clothes belong to somebody," Aang said hesitantly.

"Somebody who can afford to have their laundry done for them," Naia pointed out. "Think of it as reparations the Fire Nation pays for their war crimes," Naia said. Aang blinked at her.

Katara and Naia exchanged looks with one another and smirked. "I call the silk robe!" Katara declared, hopping over the rock they were hiding behind and running towards the hanging clothes.

Naia followed her lead. "I call the red crop top!" She said before dashing away.

She ran her hands over the all of the clothes, and ultimately decided on a low cut tank top, with a midi wrap skirt in the same shade, and black strappy sandals. She reached above her and grabbed a black belt with a gold buckle as well.

Once she grabbed her clothes, she ran back to the large set of rocks they were hiding behind. Naia undressed, tossing her old water tribe clothes in a small pile. Naia reached behind her head and felt her braid, deciding it would be a better disguise if her hair was down. She quickly undid her braid and ran her hands through her long brown hair. It's been a while since her hair wasn't in an intricate braid, but she remembered the time that Yue said how much she liked Naia's hair down. Naia smiled to herself, thinking of the memories she had with Yue on their sixteenth birthday. Back when it was all so simple.

After putting on her tank top, she turned to her side and saw a very flustered looking Sokka. Naia smirked at him before shimmying on her skirt and zipping up the back. Once she put on her new shoes, she walked out towards the rest of the group.

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