chapter twenty five

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The next night, Sokka and Naia decided it would be best to tell the group of their relationship. Naia decided she didn't want to hide it from them any longer. If it was up to Naia, she would shout it from the top of the mountain that she finally wasn't single anymore. She felt bad about withholding the secret from Katara especially. They sat around a campfire, warming up before they would go to sleep. When the conversation lulled, Naia decided to say something then.

"So...guys. Sokka and I have something to tell you," Naia started. The group all turned to look at her. "I just wanted to say that you guys are really special to me, and I would never do anything to change the dynamics of the group. You guys are basically my family now, and I—"

"Naia and I are dating!" Sokka interrupted. The rest of the group blinked at them, no reactions on their faces. Naia put her head in her hands.

She sighed and looked over at Sokka with an annoyed expression. "I thought I was gonna say it," She pouted.

Sokka shrugged absentmindedly. "You were taking too long."

She  looked back at the group, who was still emotionless. Naia frantically looked between their faces, trying to read what little emotion was on them. Katara suddenly started laughing, boisterously. She clamped her hand over her mouth and had a coughing fit. Naia and Sokka exchanged looks.

"You two better get used to doing my laundry for the next month," Katara said between laughs. Toph let out a scoff and Aang crossed his arms over his chest.

Aang groaned. "Seriously? It already took you guys so long enough to tell us, why couldn't you just wait?"

Sokke frowned. "Am I the only one that's confused right now?"

"We placed bets on when you would finally tell us," Toph said.

"I said you would tell us within the next two weeks," Katara said with a cheeky smile.

"I said you guys would tell us after the invasion," Aang said.

"I said you guys would just keep lying to us until one of us caught you two making out and you would be forced to explain," Toph said, crossing her arms over her chest.

Naia and Sokka exchanged looks again, unsure of what to think. "How did you know?" He asked.

The three of them started to laugh. After a while they died down. "You guys did a really bad job at hiding it."

"I thought we did an okay job," Sokka disagreed. Naia nodded her head in agreement. They hardly ever acted like a couple when they were around the rest of the group.

"Really?" Toph asked. "Then why is it that every time you are within six feet of Naia your heart beats twice as fast? I mean seriously, you should probably get that checked out."

"And who do you think you're fooling with those 'private training lessons'," Katara added, using air quotes. "Besides, I always knew Naia had a crush on you."

"All Sokka did was talk about you after he first met you," Aang said, looking at Naia and then back and Sokka. "Anything you did he would find some way to talk about it. It was kind of obvious."

Naia's cheeks heated up. "I guess we didn't do as good of a job as we thought."

"Why did you think I set up that double date for you guys?" Katara asked.

"That's why you did that?" Sokka asked. 

"You both were too stubborn to admit you guys were head over heels for each other," Katara said with a cheeky smile. "So...I gave you guys a gentle nudge in the right direction."

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