chapter fourteen

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After a day of travel, the group decided to all pick somewhere to go on a "mini vacation". Sokka was clearly peeved about the whole thing, claiming that they needed to come up with a plan, but the majority of the group agreed that a few vacations wouldn't hurt. Katara looked at the map and chose a place called "Misty Palms Oasis", which Aang claimed he visited there a hundred years ago. When they arrived, however, it was a deadbeat town that was definitely not living up to its name.

The group walked inside of a dusty looking bar and met a Professor at Ba Sing Se University. He geeked out over Aang, since Aang was the last air nomad to be alive. He started to ask him all sorts of personal questions and examined every part of Aang's body. Naia felt protective and wanted to tell the man to stop, but Aang didn't seem to mind it.

"So, Professor. You seem to be a well travelled guy. Do you have any maps we can borrow? Ours seem to be a little dated," Sokka said, glancing at Naia.

Naia scoffed. "It was all the library back home had!" She stated defensively. However, it was true. Most of those maps were drawn more than eighty years ago.

"I do!" The Professor stated cheerily. He laid out a map on a table near the back.

Naia went to the bartender and bought Aang and Toph a fruit smoothie. While they slurped away, Naia and Sokka examined the map the Professor had. It seemed to be a map only of the desert they were currently in.

"Ugh! Does anybody have any good maps of the Fire Nation?" Sokka grumbled.

Katara rolled her eyes and pointed near the drawn in lines on the map. "It seems you've traveled a lot through this desert."

"All in vain I'm afraid," The Professor stated sadly. "I have yet to find the hidden gem: Wan-Chi Tong's Library."

Naia immediately gained more interest in the conversation. "A library? What kind of library?" She asked.

"More valuable than gold!" The Professor stated zealously. "It is said to contain a vast collection of knowledge. According to legend, it was built by a spirit with the help of his foxy knowledge seekers."

"Oh, so this spirit has some attractive assistants?" Sokka asked, raising his eyebrows suggestively.

For some really odd reason, that statement made Naia jealous. She quickly shook her head and scolded herself. The brunette rolled her eyes. "I think he means they're actual foxes," She stated.

"She's right," The Professor agreed. Sokka and Naia exchanged looks and Naia made a face at him. "They collected books from all over the world and put them on display for mankind to read."

Naia smiled. "I want my vacation to be at the library!" She exclaimed. Toph made a face.

"There's only one thing: I've crossed that desert many times and almost died each time. It's almost impossible," The Professor stated.

"Well...would you like to see our flying sky bison?" Sokka asked.

Flying in the scorching heat was not Naia's favorite thing to do. They searched for hours in the barren desert, but they couldn't find anything. The picture of the library looked to be a huge building, but there was nothing as far as the eye could see. She was beginning to hate how her long hair stuck to the back of her neck and how her clothes felt against her skin. It was a stark contrast from the North Pole, where Naia almost never broke into a sweat.

The sounds of something rustling drew Naia's attention away from her thoughts. It was Sokka, who was taking off his shirt. Naia blushed and shyly looked away, even if she kind of wanted to stare. Although Sokka wasn't the most muscular, he still had a nice body.

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