chapter thirty three

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At breakfast, Naia walked over to grab a bowl of rice and seaweed. She noticed Toph making a weird face. "Why are you walking so weird?" Toph asked.

Naia cheeks went bright red. Thank the spirits Toph couldn't see. "I did a workout and now I'm sore," Naia lied. Toph shot her a look but ultimately dropped it. Sokka and Naia exchanged looks and smirked.

After breakfast, Katara stood up abruptly. "I need to borrow Appa," She said.

"Why? Is it your turn to take a field trip with Zuko?" Aang joked. Katara didn't laugh. Aang instantly picked up on her sudden change in demeanor. "Oh...what's going on?"

"Zuko, Naia, and I are going to find the man who took my mother from me," Katara said.

"Sokka told me the story of what happened. I know who did it, and I know how to find him," Zuko said.

"Um...what exactly do you think this will accomplish?" Aang asked.

"I knew you wouldn't understand," Katara said dismissively.

"Avenging her mother's death," Naia inserted herself in the conversation. "Knowing that it wasn't in vain, and that this evil man will finally get what's coming to him. He's been living his life scot-free. How is that fair?"

"Wait, I do understand," Aang said. "You are feeling unbelievable pain and rage. How do you think I felt about the sandbenders when they stole Appa? How do you think I felt about the Fire Nation when I found out about what happened to my people?"

"She needs this, Aang," Zuko argued.

"This is about getting closure and justice," Naia added.

"I don't think so. I think it's about getting revenge," Aang disagreed.

"Fine! Maybe it is. Maybe it's what I need," Katara said, turning around. "Maybe that's what he deserves."

"Katara, you sound like Jet," Aang said in an anxious tone.

"It's not the same. Jet attacked the innocent," Katara turned back around. "This man, he's a monster."

"You too, Naia. Where is all of this coming from?" Aang asked.

"This man didn't do anything personally to me," Naia said. "But I know of people like him who have. He did something to Sokka and Katara, two people I care about deeply. I'm here to support Katara in any way I can. And if that means going with her to find the man who killed her mother, I'll do it."

"The monks used to say that revenge is like a two-headed rat viper," Aang said. "While you watch your enemy go down, you're being poisoned yourself."

"Now I know that he's out there and I can find him, I feel like I have no choice," Katara said.

"You do have a choice," Aang reasoned with her. "Forgiveness."

"That's the same as doing nothing," Zuko grumbled.

"No, it's not," Aang said. "It's easy to do nothing, but it's hard to forgive."

"It's not just hard, it's impossible," Katara said.

"Katara, she was my mother too," Sokka finally inserted himself. "But, I think Aang might be right."

Katara sighed. "Then you didn't love her the way I did," Katara said coldly.

Naia's eyes widened. Katara was going through a whirlwind of emotions, but attacking Sokka like that was completely unnecessary. Naia looked over to Sokka, who looked like his heart broke into pieces. Katara sighed and stalked away, Zuko following her. Naia walked over to Sokka.

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