chapter eight

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Naia left the North Pole early the next morning. She wanted to slip away when most were asleep to make sure no one would catch her. She felt that in her heart, it was the right thing to do. However, she didn't want to leave her parents completely in the dark, so she wrote them this letter:

Dear Mother and Father,

I have decided to leave the Northern Water Tribe. I'm unsure of when I will return, but I possibly will in the future. I will not be a part of a society that will force me to be married to someone not of my choice and not be allowed to learn waterbending. Being a princess has suffocated me, and with Yue's death I can't stand to be here anymore. Please understand and respect my decision. Do not try to find me. I will see you again someday.


She left on a small stolen ship, with a small bag filled with a few clothes, a sleeping bag, and some food. Naia also stole some maps from the library, praying that they were recent enough so she could guide herself. Although she's never read a map, but she did pretty well. She also stole other things from the library, such as multiple articles about the Earth Kingdom. Naia grabbed about everything she could.

Naia knew that the way she left was quite abrupt, but she knew her mother and father would not reason with her. They would probably place locks on all of the palace doors and never let her out again. Telling them that she was leaving was probably the worst thing she could do.

To be completely honest, Naia didn't feel the most comfortable with her parents. She usually confided in Yue for everything. And if not Yue, Naia would keep everything to herself. Her relationship with her father was complicated. If anything, they were too alike. Naia had a better relationship with her mother, but they were nothing alike.

Naia knew that her parents naturally favored Yue. How could they not? She was diplomatic, beautiful, and tranquil. Of course Naia never held this against her twin sister, but she couldn't help that natural feeling of jealously in the back of her mind. Their parents constantly reminded Naia of how proud they were of Yue being the perfect daughter. She was everything they want in a princess and future leader. They were always so proud of her, but never proud of Naia. Naia was everything they didn't want in a daughter. She knew her Mother and Father loved her, but she didn't know if they liked her.

Spending about two weeks on the sea was quite healing, yet lonely. Naia often found herself gazing at the moon and sharing her feelings, hoping that somehow, Yue could hear her. Even if Naia didn't know exactly where her next destination was, it was quite exhilarating to simply not know. For Naia's whole life, she could predict everything, even her own future. Now, however, she lived day to day. It was quite a different feeling.

Sometimes she thought of Sokka too, wondering what he was up to. Naia would never admit it out loud, but she missed him. Every time she would think of him though, she would scold herself, as he probably wasn't thinking of her as much as she was thinking of him. However, sometimes she couldn't help it.

To take her mind off of things, Naia woke when the sun rose and practiced her water bending. Master Pakku's scrolled helped significantly, but of course she would be better if a master taught her. However, Naia closely studied the moon's effects on the tides and tried to mimic it. This made her motions more fluid and water like, like the original water benders intended. However, nothing could stop her from crying to sleep almost every night.

When she stopped for supplies, she kept her head low. Naia was suspicious of everyone, unsure of if they were Fire Nation spies or not. She decided it was best if she hid her true identity, so she often went buy the pseudonym Akira. Naia didn't think it fit her at all, but for anonymity purposes it would do. Most people didn't approach her, as she looked quite intimidating. Dark circles seemed to be etched permanently under her eyes, her face was sunken and seemed solemn.

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