chapter eighteen

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Immediately upon arrival in Ba Sing Se, Toph seemed to be upset. "Great. Back in the city," She grumbled while stepping off of the train. Naia looked around at the station and at the view. Ba Sing Se was certainly different from the Northern Water Tribe. The streets were jam packed with people, businesses, and tall buildings. There was hardly any nature to enjoy. However, she was excited to finally be able to see Ba Sing Se. She's read about it in books, and it wasn't too far off in real life.

"What's the problem? It's great!" Sokka exclaimed, also looking at the view.

Toph pet Momo's head. "Just a bunch of walls and rules. Just wait, it'll get old."

An overly happy looking woman approached them with the fakest smile on her face. "Hello!" She greeted them. "My name is Jo Dee. I have been given the great honor of showing the avatar around Ba Sing Se. You must be Sokka, Katara, Toph, and Princess Naia," She smiled at each of them. "Shall we get started?"

Naia frowned. How did this random lady already know so much about her?

"We have information about the Fire Nation that we need to deliver to the Earth King immediately," Sokka said.

"Great! Let's begin our tour. Then, I'll show you to your new home here!" Jo Dee said, clearly ignoring what Sokka just said.

The group piled up in a carriage with Jo Dee. She explained the differences between the lower, middle, and upper rings. Naia didn't like his the lower ring was designated for the "lower" classes. It was clear that the city did not do much to help out these people. Instead, they put up a wall to separate the "bad" parts of the city from the "good."

Jo Dee began explaining the University of Ba Sing Se. Naia looked as their carriage passed by it. The university was huge and the campus was beautiful. She wished she could study there. It reminded Naia of the Professor they met and escorted to the library. Naia wondered if he was alright or not. "You know, we actually met a professor from Ba Sing Se university who took us to a secret underground library. We learned some information that is absolutely crucial for the Earth King to hear!" Sokka said, glaring at Jo Dee.

She smiled back at him. "Isn't history fascinating. Here! Look! Here is the oldest building in the city: town hall!" She said before stepping out of the carriage.

Sokka turned back to the group in disbelief. "Is that woman deaf? She only seems to hear every other word I say!" He complained.

Naia dryly chuckled. "Welcome to my world," She muttered under her breath. It reminded her of her parents and the palace staff, who only listened to every other word Naia had to say.

"It's called being handled," Toph grumbled. "Get used to it."

When passing by another part of the middle ring, Sokka pointed out the "mean looking guys in robes". Jo Dee explained they were the Dai Li, and they were the protectors of Ba Sing Se's cultural heritage. Finally, they reached their new home, which was a nice villa in the middle of the upper ring. The house was certainly large and looked pretty on the outside.

"Good news! Your request for an audience with the Earth King is being processed and should be put through in about a month!" She stated cheerily.

Aang's jaw dropped. "A month?!"

"Six to eight weeks actually!" Jo Dee repeated.

"So...a month?" Naia repeated.

After touring the city for a while, everyone in Ba Sing Se seemed to deny the war. Either they didn't even know there was a war, or they were too scared to talk about it. They were instructed by a minor government official to never speak of the war and to stay away from the Dai Li.

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