chapter thirty two

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Naia woke up early the next morning and couldn't lull herself back to sleep. Aang has always been an early riser, so he started to wake up as well. It seemed to be a pleasant morning, until a large metal like object catapulted in their direction.

Naia instantly jumped up and used all of the water from the fountain to create a large wave and sweep whatever the metal thing was as far away as she could. That "metal thing" ended up being a bomb that exploded, causing the entire air temple to rumble.

By now, everyone woke up startled. Four large Fire Nation blimps rose from the morning fog, shooting more bombs towards the air temple. Toph used her earthbending to create a tunnel in the opposite direction. "Come on, we can get out through here!" She shouted.

Everyone started to run through the tunnel, but Zuko walked forwards. "What are you doing?" Aang called out.

"I'll hold them off," Zuko said. "I think this is a family visit."

"No!" Aang shouted after him.

Sokka ran towards Aang. "Come on, we have to get out of here!" He said.

As hard as they tried to pull Appa's reigns, he wouldn't budge. He seemed to be scared of the tunnel. "Appa hates tunnels! We have to fly out of here."

"We have to split up!" Sokka said. "You guys need to take the tunnel and find the stolen airship. The rest of us will fly out on Appa."

"The Fire Nation can't separate our family again!" Katara exclaimed.

"It's okay, it will only be for a little bit," Hakoda comforted her. The two children hugged their father before running to get on Appa's saddle. Naia waved at Koa and Suki to come as well. After nearly missing a ball of fire (courtesy of Azula), Appa flew away. He circled back once more to catch Zuko when he fell off the side of the airship.

"She's not gonna make it," Zuko said sadly. Azula looked to be falling to her death, but she used a knife to anchor herself to the side of the cliff. "Of course she did."

The group found an uninhabited island to camp on for the night. Everyone was able to set up their tents and sleeping bags before sundown. Koa approached Naia, who was sitting and sharpening her sword.

"Since when did you carry around a katana?" Koa asked.

"Since I learned from a master," Naia said.

"So you're an expert sword fighter and water bending master?" Koa asked.

"I guess," Naia chuckled.

"Tell me what I've missed," Koa said.

"I stole a ship from home and sailed the earth kingdom coast for about a month. I stopped in a small town called Gaoling, where I learned how to sword fight. That's when I met up with Aang, Katara, and Sokka. We met Toph, a blind earth bender. Don't be fooled though, she's a badass. I learned how to master water bending with scrolls from Master Pakku and Katara. We went to a spirit library, where we almost got trapped but we made it out alive. Appa was stolen for a little while so we had to walk on foot through the desert to Ba Sing Se. We convinced the Earth King to plan an invasion with us, but it all went South when Azula and the military overthrew the government. Then we traveled to the Fire Nation in disguises. The invasion plan failed, so now we are working on a new plan."

"Wow, that's a lot," Koa nodded, taking in all the information Naia spilled.

"Also, Sokka and I are together," Naia said. She was slightly afraid of what Koa would say, since he proposed to her only a matter of months ago.

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