chapter thirty

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Aang decided that the safest place for the group to reconvene and rest was at the Western Air Temple. It certainly was a pretty sight, with hanging gardens, waterfalls, and architecture that could only be reached by airbenders. It was certainly a beautiful sight. Aang was under a lot of pressure, as the new plan was still the old plan: Aang would have to confront the Fire Lord before Sozin's comet. However, Aang preferred to distract himself rather than face the music.

"Hey, we should really talk about the plan," Naia called after him as he rode around on his glider. She held onto Appa's saddle, staring up at the air bender.

"What? I...can't hear you. The wind is too loud in my ears!" Aang said.

"Aang, I can tell when you're lying," Naia called out again.

"Let me show you the giant Pai Sho table!" Aang exclaimed, flying towards an entrance to his right. Appa landed beside him. Katara, Toph, Sokka, and Naia all got out of the saddle. "You're going to love the echo chambers!"

"I think that will have to wait," Toph mumbled.

Naia looked down at her with a confused look. She pointed behind her, where a figure was standing. It emerged from the shadows.

"Hello, Zuko here," He said.

Naia unscrewed the cap to her water skin, ready to slice Zuko open with jagged pieces of ice at any second. Everyone stood in a fighting position, but Zuko didn't seem to catch onto it. "I saw you guys flying around out there, so I thought I would wait for you here."

Appa roared at him, but then gave him a giant lick. Naia frowned at Appa. He only did that when he liked someone, and he couldn't possibly like Zuko, right? "I know you must be surprised to see me here," Zuko said.

"Not particularly, considering the fact you've followed us all over the world," Sokka said.

"Right...well...I wanted to tell you that I've changed. And I'm good now. And, I think I should join your group. And I can teach fire bending—" 

Naia started to laugh, boisterously. Everyone shot her a weird look, but she couldn't seem to stop. "You're funny," She said, wiping a tear from her eye. She couldn't believe Zuko. He wanted to capture Aang so bad that now he pretended to be nice.

"What's funny?" Zuko asked.

Naia laughed even more. After a few seconds it died down. Katara frowned at him. "You can't think any of us would trust you, right? I mean, how stupid do you think we are?" Katara growled.

"All you've ever done is try to hunt us down and capture Aang," Sokka added.

"I've done some good things," Zuko protested. "I could've stolen your bison in Ba Sing Se but I freed him instead."

"Well, I'm glad that out of all the bad things you've done, animal cruelty isn't on your list," Naia shot at him.

"Appa does seem to like him," Toph pointed out.

"I know I've made some mistakes in the past," Zuko looked away.

"Like when you attacked our village?" Sokka asked.

"Or when you threw me against a tree so hard that I lost consciousness?" Naia asked.

"Or when you used my mother's necklace to try to capture us?" Katara asked.

"Look, I admit I've done some awful things. I was wrong and I'm sorry I attacked the water tribe," Zuko said. Naia glared at him. "Both of the water tribes. And I never should've sent that assassin after you—"

"Wait! You sent combustion man after us?" Sokka asked, dumbfounded.

"Well...that's not his name—" Zuko started.

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