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    In Baitang Village, several craftsmen were brought to the field by Baishu, and they were carefully surveying the terrain.

    They came to Baitang Village for three days and discussed with Baishu every day, and they had almost discussed the details of Zhuangzi.

    At this moment, they are discussing where to build the house based on the specific landform.

    Similar to what Bai Shu thought, after several craftsmen saw it, they still suggested to build the house on the back of the mountain.

    Because Bai Shu wanted to do business, the house was built a little bigger than Bai Shu imagined. Due to the complex drainage system, the foundation has to be dug very deep.

    After several craftsmen have measured the land and marked it, they will start preparing various materials.

    And Bai Shu couldn't be idle either, he was going to the village to recruit people.

    Building such a large house requires a lot of workers.

    But before recruiting people, Bai Shu went to his own fish pond first.

    After these days, the fish pond has almost been dug. Bai Zhu checked and found that work can be called off this afternoon.

    Even if the ditches are dug, the fish cannot be trapped in the fishpond, and Baishu has to use fishing nets to block the place where it is closed to the river.

    Fortunately, he had already prepared for it. When Chen Dongqing asked Chen Dongqing to deliver the fish, he bought a lot of fishing nets along the way.

    When the two workers had dug the ditch, he called them up and told them that he had other work for them.

    As soon as they heard that they could continue to work for Baizhu, the two workers were overjoyed and thankful to Baishu.

    Bai Shu was thinking about what positions to arrange for these two people.

    Both of them are trustworthy, and both of them are honest people. The older long-term worker is more stable and hardworking, and can be assigned a management position, while the younger one is also a good hand at work, and it is not bad to be a foreman or something.

    But now his workers haven't been recruited yet, so Bai Zhu asked them to go to the back mountain to cut bamboo. His fish pond still needs bamboo to reinforce it.

    The two workers worked hard, and within half a day, they cut a lot of bamboo in the back mountain.

    Bai Shu taught them to sharpen the beads at one end, cut them evenly into three feet long, and insert them into the ground one by one.

    After the entire fish pond was filled with bamboo, Bai Zhu went down to the part connected to the river, and inserted a bamboo at a distance, then spread out the fishing net and fixed it along the edge of the fish pond.

    He carefully inserted and fixed the bottom of the fishing net with bamboo poles, and then pressed it down with a row of big stones, so that he didn't have to worry about the fish escaping from below.

    Bai Zhu went ashore and looked at his three-acre fish pond with satisfaction.

    After his careful repair, the whole fish pond is connected with the small river, forming a depression with water.

    In the middle of the depression, square pieces of land can be faintly seen, where rice can be planted.

    In the fish pond where rice is planted, after the rice is harvested, the rice stalks in the field become food for the fish. And fish dung and excrement can fertilize the land and make the rice grow better.

Interstellar Female Dressed As A County DudeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ