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It was now Friday and I was terribly nervous. My parents still haven't figured out I was at Luke's house. My phone constantly got messages from them or calls but I always ignored them. Most of the messages were something like, 'when we find you, your in so much trouble' 'how did we end up with such an undisciplined child' 'you'll never get into a good college. Your too self centered' 'come home now'. It all made me feel even more worthless. They never once said that they missed me or that they wanted me back; not even a sorry.

I was afraid that they would find me and force me to come back and put me under strict house arrest.

Today was also the day I went back to the abandoned facility to see Michael. I was excited to see him but I also got a little nervous. He was so easy to talk to and I felt that we had known each other our entire lives even though we had only meet once.

I was currently sitting at a small coffee shop with Caroline and Pamela. We ditched today as well since it had only been a few days since the incident with my parents and I knew my parents were still looking for me. School would be the first place they would check everyday to drag me back to the hell hole that was my life, only 10x worse.

"Hey Pamela, would you mind letting me borrow your car?" I asked, breaking the silence. "I need to get out of town for a few hours and think."

"Ya sure, Brooke. Do you want some company?" She replied while spreading cream cheese on her bagel she just purchased.

"No I need some time alone. I want to just clear my head. Thank you though." Pamela just shrugged her shoulders and went back to eating.

"So how are you and Cal?" I switched my attention to Caroline who was lost in her phone.

"Good! We have been hanging out a lot more lately. It's nice being with him although I like these girls days." She replied with a grin.

We hadn't had a girls day in a while. We used to have them every weekend, but with us getting older and my friends' soulmate relationships getting more serious, we have been hanging out with just each other less.

After finishing our coffee, Pam and Caroline decided to walk around the park for a little while so I took the opportunity to take the car out to the wall.

The car ride was quick as I was singing, quite horribly might I add, to a mix of Fall Out Boy, Panic! At The Disco and My Chemical Romance. This punk trinity always put me in a good mood.

As I approach the wall, I put the car in park and turned the key in the ignition, hearing the soft rumble of the car cut off.

I still wasn't completely to the wall yet because the dirt path didn't go all the way.

After turning and walking away from the car for about 2 minutes, I finally reached the entrance and slipped inside.

It was still the dark, dingy atmosphere I remember but it seemed a little more cheerful. I couldn't tell if it was because I hadn't been walking all day and finding refuge or it was because of the fact that I would be seeing Michael.

He was such a nice boy and I could tell that he took friendships seriously. His soulmate was the luckiest person in the world. I knew that he had already found his because the timer on his arm said 000d 00h 00m 00s and because the timer was small.

When you find your soulmate, the timer begins to shrink down so eventually it disappears. Mine was doing the same thing, only the difference was I didn't have a soulmate.

I reached the room that the chest was located and proceeded to open the hidden hatch. I smiled when it opened with ease and began to head inside thought the winding corridor.

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