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I was walking down a path in a thick forest. I couldn't see much trough the trees, but every now and then I would hear cracking of twigs in the distance. Probably just animals. The fallen autumn leaves made noise with every step I took. Over head, the colorful trees almost blocked out the view of the afternoon sky with their vibrant oranges, yellows, reds, purples, and browns. It was a breathtaking view.

My time on my arm was almost up and my mind was telling me I needed to walk this way. I wasn't sure where I was going, but my body moved me automatically. To be honest I was lost and didn't know how I was going to get back.

I glanced down at my forearm and saw that the numbers said 000d 00h 00m 43s. It was almost time. I would be meeting my soulmate soon. My heart was racing and I felt as if it were going to come out of my chest.

Avery few seconds I looked at my arm, my heart beating faster every time.

27s, the time said. My breathing quickened.

19s, I felt lightheaded.

12s, panic taking over.

8s, my legs were shaking.

3s, I could barely stand.

000d 00h 00m 00s.

I looked around scared. Suddenly I felt 2 large arms wrap around from behind me.

"Shhh, it's okay. I would never hurt you." The deep voice said, reading my thoughts.

I turned around slowly to face 2 vibrant blue eyes. They belonged to a boy that looked around my age. He had dark brown, almost black straight hair and was a bit taller than me and had a strong build.

I was mesmerized by the crystal-like eyes that looked at me with so much love, even though we had never meet.

"I'm sorry if I may have scared you. My timer ran out and you were the only one out here, so I assumed u were out here for the same reason I was." The boy said.

I was too shocked to say anything. I felt really stupid just standing there staring at him. I then snapped out of my trans and realized he still had his arms around me. He must have realized too because he quickly released me. I could see his cheeks begin to turn pink.

"I'm Brooklyn," I said, finally gaining my confidence to speak. "and yes, my timer ran out too." I said giving a shy smile.

"Looks like fate has brought us together." He replied. "Oh, where are my manners." He said. "My name is..."

I never got a response because I was quickly snapped back into reality by my teacher hitting my desk with his pointer. I was completely zoned out and hadn't caught any of the lesson he had been giving for the past 45 minutes. This is what I mean when I say my mind wanders.

I looked around and saw that the whole class was staring at me. I felt my cheeks get warm. Before I could say anything, the bell wrung notifying us that it was the end of the period and time for lunch.

Sorry this chapter was short. Haha. Did I have you fooled it was real? Leave me comments about what you thought of the book so far and what I should do to make it better. Any ideas as well. :) thank you so much for reading. I know it kinda sucks. I'm not very good at this.
- Jada xx

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