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I wake up to the feeling of water on my toes. I sit up slowly, confused and tired.

The lakes tide has risen up the beach. Everyone around me is sleeping, sprawled out across the sand. The memories of last night flood my mind. The lake, the s'mores, my mom.


I was supposed to be back home by 9:30. That was my curfew. Even if she only says not to be out late, 9:30 was the max. I just hoped my parents went to bed early and didn't notice my absence.

I quickly grab my phone that it laying a few feet from me. I opened the home screen and saw it was 5:54 am. It was still pretty dark but I could see the sun rising over the horizon.

I typed my passcode into the screen. 17 text messages, 16 missed calls and 8 voicemails. I was dead!

I rush to my feet and shout at everyone to get up. I usually didn't like to wake people up because I wouldn't like it myself, but since we took one car here, I had no way of getting home.

"GET UP!! We have a problem!" I shout as the 4 sleepy teens rustle around still passed out. "I'm about to throw your phones in the lake." I say again with complete seriousness in my voice.

"IM UP!" Pamela shot up from her spot next to Luke. "Where is it?!" She questions looking around frantically for her phone.

"Where you left it," I tell her. " we need to go now though. Get the others up." I tell her as I am trying to gather everything up, not wasting any time.

By this point, Luke was beginning to wake up while rubbing his head considering he was using Pam as a pillow so when she shot up, his head fell off of her stomach and hard onto the sand beneath him.

Pamela was already on her feet helping me pack. She was still quite confused as she didn't know what was wrong, still sleepy from her previous slumber.

"Remind me why are we up so early?" She said, pausing to look up from the blanket Pamela was folding.

"I was supposed to be back by 9:30," I said, running around grabbing everything I could and loading it into the car. "It is now 6am. My parents are going to kill me!"

Pamela's eyes widen at my response. Being friends for so long, she knows exactly how my parents are. Quickening her pace, she is practically running.

Luke was now up and was catching on with what was going on. Caroline was beginning to wake as well, but Calum was out like a rock.

We explained the situation to Caroline and she was now stressing out like the rest of us. All except Calum that is.

When we got the car packed up and everything was ready to go, Calum hadn't stirred a bit and we were all sure he was dead if it weren't for the soft snores escaping his lips.

Luke smirked which made me feel really nervous. His smirks were never good. He walks over to where Calum's body lay and taps him on the shoulder.

"Cal...Calum...we have some news for you, it seems Caroline is pregnant my friend, your the baby daddy." With this, Calum sat up so fast I didn't even see him move. A look of confusion crossed with scared was on his face.

"But...how..." Luke burst into laughter along with a few giggles from the girls and a scowl from me.

We need to hurry up and leave, not play around while my life was on the line. Actually, all of ours. All of our parents were strict. That was how everybody was. But also the government. I had completely forgotten the curfew for the town.

Everyone from the community had to be in their houses by 10. This was to keep the town in order and to keep the children in line. Everyone who didn't make curfews faced consequences. Nobody knew what the consequences were though. Like I said before, everyone was so caught in work and seriousness and laws that they never would think twice to break one. Ever. This just shows the difference between my friends and the town.

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