Chapter 38: The Beginning of a Revolution

Start from the beginning

Zhang nods.

"Zhou is right. We'll need a meticulous plan to minimize the risk of interception. Our contacts in Mongolia will play a crucial role in navigating any potential obstacles." Zhang said.

"But what if the Chinese authorities catch wind of this operation?" Li said a bit worried for what might the government do.

"Li, the risks we face are great, but so are the stakes. We must take calculated risks for the sake of our people's freedom. Our network of support is strong, and we have developed sophisticated methods of evading detection. Trust in our abilities."

"We have come too far to turn back now. Our comrades in Xinjiang are living in fear, oppressed by the government. It is our duty to provide them with the means to defend themselves." The elderly man said.

"We should also consider the logistics of distributing the weapons once they reach Xinjiang. We must ensure that they reach the hands of those who will use them to protect our people." Zhou said. said.

"Absolutely, Zhou. We will establish safehouses and a network of trusted individuals to facilitate the distribution. Our ultimate goal is to empower our people and create a resistance strong enough to challenge the oppressors." Zhang said.

The room falls silent as the rebels absorb the gravity of the situation.

Determination fills their eyes, fueled by the knowledge that this operation could change the course of their struggle.

Zhang then stod up.

"Comrades, this is the moment we have been waiting for, the Chinese Government is to focus on the Gate in the United States. We must seize this opportunity to arm ourselves and defend our people. The fight for freedom in Xinjiang begins now!"

The rebels nod, their resolve firm and unwavering. They exchange determined glances, ready to face the challenges ahead.

"We shall not let the sacrifices of our fallen comrades be in vain. We will fight until the last breath to reclaim our land from tyranny." Li said.

"The Chinese government may try to suppress us, but they cannot extinguish the flame of freedom burning within our hearts. We shall rise against their oppression and prevail!"

Zhou nods.

"Remember, comrades, we are not alone in this struggle. There are many who share our cause and are ready to support us. Our fight is not just for Xinjiang, but for Tibet and the justice of human rights."

"Together, we will overcome every obstacle. Our unity and determination will lead us to victory. The weapons from Russia will serve as a catalyst, igniting the flame of resistance across Xinjiang." Zhang said.

The room echoes with resounding applause and cheers. The rebels exchange firm handshakes and embrace one another, a sense of camaraderie filling the air.

Zhang smiled.

"Now, let us get to work. We have plans to make, contacts to reach out to, and preparations to undertake. Our time has come, and we will not falter!" Zhang shouted.

The rebels disperse, each taking on their assigned tasks with a renewed sense of purpose.

The room that was once filled with tension now brims with the energy of revolution.


An hour later in the Region of Tibet...

A young Chinese Rebel dashed through the dimly lit corridors of the Rebel base, his heart pounding with urgency.

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