The Hybrid

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The Hybrid


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The following morning, Damon removes the notes from the closet door as he watches the news about his dead girlfriend, and Elena walks into his room, needing to talk to him. "Just can't stay away, can you?" He jokes, looking at the doppelganger.

"You've been dodging my calls," Elena retorts.

"Yeah, well, busy dating a dead fake girlfriend and all," Damon snarks back at her, hurting a little from the events of the night before.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She demands.

"Happy Birthday, Elena. Stefan killed Andie," He patronises the doppelganger.

"He called me, Damon," The doe-eyed human informs him.

"What?" The older Salvatore questions, surprised at his brother's actions and unsure if it's entirely true.

"Stefan called me last night," Elena repeats herself.

"Well, what'd he say?" Damon asks her, interested.

"He didn't say anything, but it was him. I asked Sheriff Forbes if she would trace the call's origin. It came from Tennessee," She informs him, showing the note.

"Where he's binge drinking on the country folk. We went through this, Elena. Stefan's gone. I don't mean geographically," He replies, throwing the pieces of paper into his fireplace.

"If he was gone, he wouldn't have called," The doppelganger argues, having faith in her boyfriend, and Damon grabs the matches, burning everything, so Elena comes up with another plan.


Alaric is lying in bed after a night of drinking his sorrows, having broken up with Jenna and being kicked out of the Gilbert house in one night. Stuck in his thoughts while he sleeps, someone knocks on the door, disturbing his slumber and waking the history teacher. "Go away, Damon!" Alaric shouts, but they keep tapping, and he groans in frustration, getting up, and walking through his apartment, putting on his jeans before opening the door to reveal Elena on the other side.

"Hi," Elena greets him awkwardly.

"You're, uh... Not who I expected," The Vampire Hunter mutters, buttoning up his jeans.

"I need you to tell me what you know about Stefan and Tennessee," She demands.

"Did you miss the part where I checked out of all this after your aunt kicked me out?" The aunt's ex reminds her, walking to his kitchen, and the doppelganger follows her inside.

"Come on, Ric. Whatever Damon knows, you know," The doe-eyed girl argues.

"Ask Damon," Alaric tells her as she cleans the empty beer bottles.

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