The House Guest

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The House Guest

Elena rushes out of Stefan's bathroom as he walks into the room, getting ready for school

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Elena rushes out of Stefan's bathroom as he walks into the room, getting ready for school. "Stefan, we're late for school," She reminds him.
"Let's be later," Stefan replies with a smirk, moving toward her.
"Stefan, it's school. Remember, that thing that we keep forgetting about?" Elena jokes.
"School?" He jokes back, kissing her teasingly. "Doesn't ring a bell?" He continues to kiss her, and she wraps her arms around him as he carries her towards the bed.
"Stefan!" The doppelganger giggles, lying on the bed as he crawls on her. "Okay, 5 minutes, only 5 minutes," She kisses him back. While downstairs, Elena, now fully dressed, puts on her coat, and Damon looks up from reading Jonathan Gilbert's journal. "Good morning, Damon." He looks at her with a smile, but he frowns, noticing something strange about her, rushing toward her, pushing against the far wall.
"What are you doing here? I told you to leave," Damon sneers, getting in her face.
"What is your problem?" Elena asks him.
"You're wearing her clothes? Like that's going to work," He snaps at her, seeing through her disguise.
"You think I'm Katherine? Why would you think that? Katherine's in the tomb! Isn't she?" She asks him, playing the victim, and he lets go of her a little, buying into her lies when Stefan comes downstairs, having heard the noise, and sees Damon with Elena.
"What the hell's going on here?" Stefan demands.
"I don't know, you tell me. Is Katherine in the tomb or not?" The doppelganger asks, and Stefan rushes upstairs; Elena walks out, finishing getting ready, when Stefan runs in, pushing her against the wall. "What are you doing?!"
"How could you do this?!" He sneers, getting in her face.
"Stefan, you're hurting me!" Elena exclaims in pain as he squeezes her neck.
"Stop it, Katherine!" The younger Salvatore snaps at her.
"Stop what?" Katherine asks; the couple looks at her as she leans against the doorway. "It's getting really easy being you." Damon walks up, joining the others in Stefan's bedroom.
"What is she doing here?" Elena demands, looking at her Vampire doppelganger.
"When we killed Elijah, it broke the compulsion and freed the bitch from the tomb," Damon explains, giving Katherine evil eyes.
"How's that possible?" Stefan asks him.
"He's an Original. They have all sorts of special skills," Katherine shrugs her shoulders, playing dumb.
"I don't want you here. Get her out of here," Elena demands.
"You need me, Elena. You all do," She retorts.
"Like hell," Stefan snaps.
"We all want the same thing... Klaus dead. Yet here you all are, running around like chickens with their heads cut off," Katherine replies sarcastically.
"I don't need your help and I don't want it," Elena snaps at her.
"And that's incredibly stupid of you. You know where Klaus is? When he's coming, what he looks like?" The Vampire double questions.
"If you know something, say it or get out," Damon spits at her.
"Fine. Then I'll just go to the Grill and have some lunch... Maybe aunt Jenna's free for a bite," Katherine threatens them.


When Caroline walks up to him, Matt walks around the school hallways, putting up ads for the Grill, trying to get more business. "Hey, Matt," She smiles, trying to talk to him again.
"Hey," He says back.
"Live band?" Caroline asks him, looking at the poster.
"Yeah, business has been a little slow. The Grill's trying to stay afloat," Matt explains, walking down the hallway.
"Aren't we all?" The blond Vampire jokes, following after him.
"Have you heard from Tyler?" The blond quarterback asks her.
"Not a peep. You?" She asks him back.
"No, not since he stopped by the Grill to talk, and I've left messages on his cell phone," Matt tells her, worried about his best friend.
"He stopped by to see you? What did he say?" Caroline asks him.
"Not much, really. I mean... I think to say goodbye without really saying goodbye. I just didn't know," The blond human explains.
"And that's all he said?" She asks him again.
"Yeah. Yeah, that's all he said, Caroline. Why?" The blond human questions, looking at her as he stops. "I mean, is there something you want to tell me?"
"Yeah! I... I mean, no, I... It's just not that easy," The blond Vampire stutters.
"I don't get it! Since when have I been the one that can express himself and you're one with a loss for words?" Matt snaps, growing frustrated.
"No, you're right, and I'm sorry," Caroline replies, hating having to lie to him.
"You know how I feel. So it's your move. Just make a decision or leave me alone," Donavan gives her the final ultimatum and walks away, leaving the blond Vampire alone.

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