As I Lay Dying

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As I Lay Dying

Lorilei looks around in annoyance at Alaric's apartment, trying to find something for the new Original Hybrid to wear once he changes back to human form

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Lorilei looks around in annoyance at Alaric's apartment, trying to find something for the new Original Hybrid to wear once he changes back to human form. "How can a man have so many clothes?" She huffs as Maddox watches her in amusement. "Are you going to help me or what?" The brunette woman asks him, straightening out her grey blazer jacket that matches her trousers and shiny silver shoes.

 "Are you going to help me or what?" The brunette woman asks him, straightening out her grey blazer jacket that matches her trousers and shiny silver shoes

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"I like watching you struggle a little too much, Lollipop," The Warlock jokes as he sits on the couch, watching her.

"I hate you sometimes, you know that, Maddie?" The McKnight Siphon retorts and grabs some random clothing. "This will do. Stay here. Be a good boy till Luka and Greta get back from my apartment."

"Yes professor," He teases her as she walks out of the apartment, slamming the door on a snickering Maddox, making her way to her car downstairs and putting her hair into a low bun with a white ribbon matching her tee.


Elena gets up early the day after the funeral for Harrison McKnight and looks into Jeremy's room; seeing the teen fast asleep, she moves to Jenna's bedroom with the door closed, glad to know she hasn't lost anyone else. The doppelganger looks at the guest bedroom where John sleeps and sighs, still not having talked to her father since reading the letter; deciding to leave it for another day, she turns to find Damon looming behind her. "That'll get easier. But you knew that," Damon comments, needing to get something off his chest.

"What do you want?" Elena asks him.

"I want to apologise," He tells her.

"Damon..." She sighs, looking at the Vampire.

"Please. Elena, feeding you my blood, I was wrong," The snarky Salvatore apologises.

"Yes, you were," The doppelganger agrees.

"And I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, but... I need it," Damon pleads with her.

"And I need some time, maybe a lot of time," Elena tells him, breaking his heart a little.

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