Iris put her hand on my shoulder. "You're being called," she told me.

"What?" I asked, blinking in confusion. "But he said-"

"Farley's boyfriend," Clementine interrupted. "That's you. See, we thought that we shouldn't go around yelling 'Pax' at the top of our lungs. So, this was the solution."

"Who came up with that?" Farley asked, stuttering slightly.

"Actually, it was Caspian," Clementine informed. "You know, some of his choices are questionable. But that one was a real winner."

"Of course," Farley mumbled. "Pax, want me to come with?"

I shrugged. "If you'd like." I stood up and stretched, my shoulder popping. "I think I know what they want."

"We should put money on it," Farley said.

I laughed; I knew it was just a way to stall for time.

"What money?" I asked and pegged my pockets.

"Tonight's chores then?" he offered.

I shook my head, and my hand met his shoulder, before I headed outside. He was following me, with as much distance as he could put between us.

"Pax, hey." Harlow's trainers squeaked against the grass. "Oh, Farley, I win." He clapped his hands together and Karim groaned.

"Fine," Karim grumbled. "We overheard your conversation, and we were curious."

I nodded my head. "About the training?" I received a hum in response. "Want to see their routine?" I got another hum and that was my signal to get to work.

Iris and Clementine came outside halfway through and watched as I showed the others what training technique Kian used. Harlow had to call quits about fifteen minutes in, whilst Karim and Farley struggled to the end.

"Pure madness," Farley huffed. "I did sports psychology for three years. None of this is sensible."

I shrugged; my own breathing laboured. "Yeah, I don't think much of what he does makes any sense."

"At least we know their strengths?" Harlow offered.

Another pair of footsteps descended the two stairs which led to the back garden. "What on earth?" Emi asked. "You two look like you ran a marathon in fifteen minutes."

"I'd probably look better after doing that," Farley huffed out. "They did that for about fifteen years?"

I shrugged. "I just know what I was there for, and it never changed."

"Have any of you seen Rowan?" A voice from above made me jump. It was Caspian's voice; he must be calling from a window. "I can't find him."

"Not since about an hour and a half ago?" Farley questioned. "Last I checked, he was in the blanket fort in our room."

"He's calling from your room, idiot," Clementine remarked. "He couldn't have gone far, but he should've told one of us if he was leaving."

"Yeah, which is why I'm asking if you've seen him," Caspian replied with a sigh. "He's in trouble if he has left the house."

A soft clicking came from where Caspian's voice had, the window shutting.

"Do you think he's left?" I asked Farley. "He didn't seem in a good mood earlier."

"I hope not," he replied. "I'll go look in the house for him. We might need to make a search party."

"I'll come with you," I said and followed him into the house. I had to refill my water bottle anyway.

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