"great! Pigsy you'll sing, I'll play the baba, Samdy your on base obviously-" MK explained,
"I mean obviously." Samdy nodded,
"Mei you get this thing with way too many stings!! and monkey kin-" MK was quickly yanked away from the group,
"uh kid can I talk to you for a second?" Monkey king chuckled clutching MK's shoulder tightly, "remember how I said the whole stage fright thing is kinda joke?"
"wasnt a joke?" MK asked half expecting it,
"not even a little." Monkey King smiled horrified of going on stage.
"uh- Sun Wukong! Self proclaimed great sage EQUAL TO HEAVEN. is scared to preform in front of a crowd!?"
"I KNOW- I know it doesn't make ANY sense."
monkey king smiled practically shaking, MK sighed "okay.."
"Thanks for understanding bud-" but MK started to speak not giving him another second to breathe,
"I can work with this."
"wait what!?"
"wonderful.." a little annoyed but also scared.

"what about me MK?" Tang asked
"Ohh Mr Tang! for you I've saved the most impact role of all! not a band on earth that couldn't hope to win the ring of like without!-"
his eyes lit up,
"the band manager!" his eyes immediately dulled no longer shining.
"wait what? your benching me?" Tang asked heartbroken,
"uh pretty much- ALRIGHT TEAM! lets go win that last ring of samadhi fire!" MK cheered,
"yeah!" Mei gave him a thumbs up,
"yay!" Sandy cheered with him,
"yay..." Tang turned away sitting on a bench on the side.

In the shadows..he smirked
"The samadhi fire huh? that's how your going to beat the lady bone demon." but her voice rang in his ears.

"if you fail me again, one misstep, one failure in anyway. You will simply, have to watch as your lovely little wife dies in your arms. Like she should have. All those years ago" he frowned...thinking of Liu chained to the dirty cold floor of that prison cell. Her hands were so cold and bruised. The way she hold him even if it scarred her wrists, just becuase she just wanted him near..

He clutched his teeth and looked up at the giant lantern,
"We'll see about that." he said before heading off.


"Your kidding?! You've gotta be kidding!"
"I wish I was.."
A loud roaring laughter was let out,
"I can't believe this! I thought you were fearless!?"
"MOST TIMES! I am but I...I DONT KNOW OKAY! just never again." he looked to the side slightly hugging himself.
"Hey..hey I don't actually mind that much.." he reached his hand wrapping an arm around his shoulders pulling him closer.
"Yeah yeah just laugh I-"
"Nah, I wasn't joking! I don't care, I was more shocked than anything! But hey..thanks for being honest. I appreciate it. I do." he smiled warmly..the warmth from smile could keep an entire warm through the coldest winters.
"Heh...thanks Ming."
"No problem Wukong."


The crowd gathered as they played.

"no one benched me. I'm Mr Tang. idk why we're wasting time on a talent show when we could just be taking the ring!" he threw the clipboard, "I'll show them." he stood tall and confident.


Macaque watched as tang slid across the lantern post knocking down the smaller lanterns in his way landing inside the giant lantern.
"IM ALIVE!!!" Tang yelled honestly more than surprised he was still intact.

"You have more guts than I thought!" Macaque spoke from the top of the lantern making Tang Juno and look up.
"It's uh Tang right"Macaque asked with a smirk,
"I thought your smart uh-" he jumps down to the center lantern near Tang,
"y'know look at this guy he's got glasses." Macaque ruffles with glasses, placing a hand on his shoulder,
"I figured if anyone knows where legendary samadhi fire is. It's the guy sitting in the wings while his friends are having fun without him!" he smirked obviously trying to get under his skin.

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