☆The Judge And The Guard- Fell Brothers & Kustard

Start from the beginning

"Bro, I-" Red tried, but Edge threw him to the ground before he could finish, causing Red to land on his side with a thud.

"I don't want to hear your excuses!" Edge yelled, stomping off upstairs to his room and slamming the door behind him, leaving Red on the floor groaning in pain.

He slowly sat up and gripped his side. His ribs hurt, badly, and he knew he couldn't let Edge know and he certainly didn't want to see Alphys right now. Only one name popped in his head, Classic. Seeing him right now would definitely help, if not with the pain, then with his emotions.

Using his magic, he went to Undertale and shortcutted to Classics house. His sudden appearance startled Classic, causing him to quickly sit up from his place on the couch. Though when he realized who it was, he calmed down and walked over to him.

"Hey Red, how-" he stopped mid sentence when he saw the state his boyfriend was in. It was obvious that he had been crying, and with the way that he was clutching his side, he was definitely in pain. "Oh Red, what happened?"

Red felt the tears welling back into existence, causing Classic to pulling him into a gentle, yet loving embrace. He didn't know what had happened, but he could assume that something happened between Red and Edge, and it had to have been bad if Red got hurt and was crying this hard.

Classic decided that he best course of action in this situation would be to patch Red up since he was obviously hurt and then comfort him as best he could until he was calm enough to talk.

He lead Red to the bathroom and set him on the sink counter before grabbing a wet washcloth to wipe some of the redness from his boyfriends face.

"There we go, its gonna be okay, Red," Classic said, setting the washcloth to the side before putting his hands on Reds legs, "could you take your shirt off for me so I can look at your ribs?"

Normally Red would have some pun or snarky remark to make at that question, but he said nothing as he removed his jacket and shirt. Classic was saddened by this, but was shocked and concerned at the damage done to Red's ribs. Almost his entire side was bruised and two of his ribs had a small crack.

"Stars, Red, what the hell happened to you?" Classic asked as he grabbed the necessary supplies to patch Red up.

Red wiped his eyes and refused to make eye contact with Classic, sniffling a bit before responding. "Its not a big deal. Pap just got mad an' threw me on the ground."

"I feel like more happened than that, babe. He's never hurt you when he's mad," Classic said, using healing magic to heal what he could before wrapping the previously cracked ribs with bandages.

"C'mon, Classy, he's hit me before," Red said, trying to brush the memory to the side.

"He slapped you once because you were being a smart ass, and he apologized immediately after and felt bad about it for weeks. As bad as he can be with other monsters, you're the last person he'd hurt just because he was mad, and you know it."

Red sighed, "I know..."

Classic sighed and finished up with the bandages, placing his hand on the side of Reds face, "whatever happened, Edge probably didn't process what he had done. I guarantee you that he is flipping Underfell upside down looking for you right now."

Red placed his hand ontop of Classic's, nodding. Yet despite that, he couldn't go back home just yet. Edge might not be calm yet and he was still incredibly pissed off at Alphys. Right now he just wanted to enjoy the embrace of his boyfriend and calm down.

"Do ya want to talk about it?" Classic asked, picking Red up bridal style and bringing him back down to the couch. Red shook his head, not ready to talk just yet. Classic nodded and set them both up on the couch, Classic laying down with Red on top of him and a blanket on top of them both.

They layed there for a moment in silence, their arms around each other with the occasional kiss to the skull. Within moments, Red was lulled into a state of calm. Barely anyone got to see Red in such a state, and Classic felt honored that he was the first and main one who did.

After a while Red decided to explain what had happened between him and Edge to Classic. The betrayal of Alphys, Edge's sadness, his disappointment of himself, everything.

Classic listened to every word, gently rubbing circles on Red's back as he spoke. It did sound like a bad situation, and he thought that it was bad when he told Papyrus, but this was on a whole different level.

"I'm sorry, Red. That's must've been hard," Classic said sympathetically.

"Its fine, Classy, it's not your fault. I just can't help but feel like I'm a bad brother. I should've told him sooner," Red responded, again avoiding eye contact with his boyfriend.

"If you want, I can go with you to explain things to Edge. If things get out of hand again I can get us both out."

Red thought for a moment before smiling slightly, "that would be great."

The two of them stayed on the couch for a few more minutes until Red felt like he was ready to leave. Using his magic, Red took Classic's hand and took them to Underfell, both of them taking a deep breath as they walked up the steps and into the house. Red was about to call out for his brother until he saw him sitting on the couch with his head in his hands.

Edge looked up quickly, obvious tears pouring out of his eye sockets and his face curled into one of shock.

"Sans? I-I thought you left. I-I thought...."

Red quickly let go of Classic's hand and rushed over to his brother, placing his hands upon his shoulders to calm him.

"Hey Pap, it's okay, IM okay. I jus' need ya tah breathe for me, can ya do that?" Red said, sitting next to his brother. Edge sat there and caught his breath for a moment before hugging his brother tightly. Red inhaled a sharp breath due to the impact the hug had on his still sore ribs, causing Edge to let go immediately.

"Oh no...so I did hurt you..." Edge said, tears beginning to fall all over again.

"Hey hey, it's alright bro. It doesn't hurt too bad anymore, Classic took care of it," Red said, attempting to ease his brother's worry by pulling him into another hug, "I'm not mad at you, Papyrus."

Classic smiled at the scene in front of him. It was rare when the two brothers were like this with each other and Classic was jut happy that they were talking it out.

Red looked up from his brother's shoulder, seeing Classic smiling at him. Using sign language, Classic said a quick I love you before heading back home. Red smiled and turned all his attention back to Edge, relieved that things between them were gonna be okay again.

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