Part 1 - Meeting the Losers Once Again

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No ones Pov

The sound of a passing train could be heard as it past an old office building. The building wasn't in much use anymore but some of offices still got used. On the third floor a wooden door with a glass panel on it had the words written on the glass said: Office of Private Investigator Y/N L/N.

In side the room was none other than Y/N himself looking much older and a stubble that he's forgotten to shave. Y/N has been renting this place for some years now, and has built quite the reputation for himself.

The thing is for awhile Y/N didn't know what he wanted to do with his life drifting from one place to the next, in a way he was sort of running away from himself. Finally he came to a conclusion if he's stuck with the shining then he might as well put it to good use, and help others with his gift.

He's helped other families find missing children, worked with the police to uncover murders, helped solve cold cases, and helped a cat out of the tree every once and awhile. Some may say he's the everyday hero but really this all just makes him feel better about himself.

Plaques hung up on the walls of the office room showing off all the work he's done over the years. Y/N however was putting away some papers on his desk, the papers were of a case he just finished. This case however was different as it was for a close friend who's daughter went missing, lucky Harry went to Y/N with it instead of the police as Y/N quickly located her in an abandoned town.

Once he gathered the papers into a file that read Cheryl Mason on the front, he placed it into his file cabinet. Once he closed the cabinet, his cellphone began to ring. It was sitting on the desk  behind him. He let out a sigh, just wanting this long night to end. He looked at the caller id on his phone saying unknown. Grabbing it, he used the shine so he knew who would be on the other end.

Y/N: Mike Hanlon?

Pressing answer on his phone, he brought it up to his ear as he looked down at the scar on his hand.

Mike: Y/N L/N? It's Mike.

Y/N: Mike Hanlon, how long has it been? 27 years?

Y/N smiled to himself hearing the voice of his old friend.

Mike: Yep, I think you know the reason on why I'm calling.

His smile quickly disappeared.

Y/N: The clown, yeah.

Mike: You're the only one who remembers, I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

Y/N: When and where?

Mike: Tomorrow, we'll meet at a restaurant called the Jade of the Orient. It'll be good to see you again, everyone.

Y/N: Yeah I'll see you soon, might be a bit late but I'll be there.

He hung up the phone and placed it in his pocket. He moved quickly grabbing a piece of paper and pen, writing the words: Away on Holiday. He opened the door to his Office placing it on the front before locking the door and leaving to go home.


Y/N's pov

I pulled up to The Jade the place all the Losers were gonna meet up. I parked my car and sat there for awhile. Not gonna lie I was feeling a little bit nervous, mainly because I haven't seen Beverly in so long and how much we've changed. I looked at the time and noticed I was 15 minutes late.

Y/N: Shit.

I took one last look at my badge that read Official Private Investigator with a picture of my face on it and my name. It hung on my rear-view mirror. I reluctantly opened the door to my car and quickly closed it locking the doors. I open my wallet looking at two pictures of both me and Beverly from when we were younger, before I let out a sad sigh. Not wanting to be late any longer, I put the pictures back and I wasted no time entering the restaurant. Upon entering I was greeted by the nice waitress up front.

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